Question : Hygiene in Poultry Farms

Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE ???? ?? ???? ?????? ??????
be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the poor hygienic conditions in privately managed/ owned poultry farms have been identified as a major cause for spread of bird flu;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) the corrective steps taken or proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c). Poor hygienic conditions during the disease outbreaks, whether it is privately managed/ owned poultry farms, may also contribute for the spread of infection from infected bird to healthy birds within the farms. However, there are no reports available with the Government which establishes the poor hygienic conditions in privately managed/ owned poultry farms as a major cause for spread of bird flu.

Avian Influenza (commonly called as Bird Flu) is an infectious viral disease of birds and mostly spread by contact between infected birds and healthy birds. The Avian Influenza virus is found in the secretions from the mouth, nostrils and eyes of the infected birds and also excreted in their feces. Contact with contaminated poultry feces is the most common means of bird to bird spread. It may also spread through contact with contaminated materials and equipments and even airborne transmission is also possible.

The Government of India issued general guidelines to the State Governments/UTs on biosecurity measures to be taken in case of Notifiable Avian Influenza in February, 2006. These were further revised and incorporated in the Action Plan for Preparedness, Control and Containment of Avian Influenza. During 2015, the Government has issued updated general guidelines for biosecurity at Central Poultry Development Organizations which are applicable to State and private poultry farms. Besides, the Government has been issuing advisories to the states for strengthening, preparedness and surveillance in poultry population. With the proper implementation of guidelines issued by the Government of India, the outbreaks have been effectively controlled and contained in the country.


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