Question : Artificial Intelligence

Will the Minister of ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY be pleased to State:

(a) whether the Indian Ecosystem is ready for the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in all aspects of society for technological transformation and if so, the details in this regard;
(b) the details of the AI systems used in various sectors especially in the Governance of the country; and
(c) the policy that have been put in place by the Government for AI integration in the society?

Answer given by the minister

): AI is a broad field that involves Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), which in turn comprises of complex algorithms and specialised hardware and software solutions. AI ecosystem is evolving in nature. Indian IT/ITeS and Startup companies are heavily invested in AI and related technologies for their innovative offerings. The society is already using AI based solutions without being explicitly aware of the same through various mobile applications and other IT platforms.

(b): Some of the major Government Initiatives having usage of AI systems are National Language Translation Mission (Sector-multi-disciplinary), MyGov Saathi Bot & MyGov Corona Helpdesk (Sector-multi-disciplinary with main focus on healthcare), Smart Cities Mission (Sector-Urban Development), National Skill Development Mission (Sector-Skill Development), Pradhan Mantri FasalBima Yojana, Atal Innovation Mission, Ayushman Bharat (Sector-Healthcare), Government e-Marketplace (Sector-Procurement), Faceless Tax Assessment (Sector-Financial) etc.

(c): Government of India, is committed towards the use of emerging technologies including AI in e-Governance space. National Strategy for AI was published in 2018. In line with this policy, the National AI Portal has been launched by Ministry of Electronics and IT in May 2020 to provide the information about AI related developments in collaboration with Industry, Academia & Civil Society.

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