(a) The List of agricultural universities is appended as Annexure-I.
Emerging Role of AUs in the Economic Growth and Development of Agriculture Sector:
Indian agriculture is presently at the cross-roads. During the 10th and 11th Five-year
Plans, the agriculture growth has been about 2.8 and 3.5%, respectively, which is
below the targeted 4% growth. Since economic growth of India, is agriculture driven, it
is of paramount importance to propel it by using new technologies and strategies. Skilled
human resource is a key to addressing new challenges. World over the technologies are
changing very fast and in the back drop of the Intellectual Property Rights and other
trade related issues, it is necessary that an innovative approach is put in place for
producing globally competitive skilled human resources. The skilled manpower should
develop cutting edge technologies and must bring about major transformation in agriculture
for getting higher economic returns to the farming community with comparatively low
investment. Application of new knowledge in science and technology will become prime
infuser of sustainable surge in agricultural production and productivity across diverse
agro-ecologies of the country. Additionally, regional inequalities in development coupled
with rise in natural resources degradation, climate change, increasing population,opening
of global economy have brought new daunting challenges. All these circumstancesmake it
imperative for AUs to play a vital role in a way that it satisfies the expectationsof all
stakeholders (students for employability and higher academics, farm men and women for liveli-
hood security, farmers for new knowledge and skills and country for economic growth and inter
national obligations) and concerns of sustainability and profitability in agriculture.
(b) A centrally sponsored plan scheme âStrengthening and Development of Higher Agricultural
Education in Indiaâ, is being proposed in XII Plan for maintaining and upgrading quality and
relevance of higher agricultural education. The proposals are received from various universities
from time to time. The EFC of the scheme for XII Plan is under process and allocations to the
AUs including RAU, Pusa will be made as per approval.
(c) & (d): Agricultural Education being a State subject, SAUs are being supported by
respective State Governments. However, partial support is being provided under the Plan scheme
of the Education Division âStrengthening and Development of Higher Agricultural Education in Indiaâ.
(e) Agricultural Education being a State subject, the filling up of vacancies in the AUs is
under the purview of respective State Governments. However, as per the information available about
36% positions are vacant.