Question : Redressal of Public Grievances

(a) the number of cases of public grievances received by his Ministry during the last three years and the current year till date, year-wise;

(b) the number of cases out of the said cases referred to Ministries/Departments concerned for redressal along with the prescribed time limit for providing information regarding the action taken including the action taken against the defaulting officers ;

(c) whether a large number of grievances are still pending and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and

(d) the steps taken or proposed to be taken by the Government to make grievance redressal mechanism more effective?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office. (DR.JITENDRA SINGH)
(a) to (c): The number of grievances received by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, and forwarded to various Ministries/Departments/State Governments/Union Territories during the last three years, and the current year till 14.12.2015, is as under :-

Year-wise Details of grievances received by DARPG and forwarded to various Ministry/Department/States & UTs as on 14/12/2015. Year wise receipts and disposal for grievances received in DARPG
Year Receipts Disposals
2012 8673 7071
2013 13183 12625
2014 17943 16490
2015 23407 21045
Total 63206 57231


Out of the total receipts as on 14/12/2015, there are 37127 cases pending with various Ministries / Departments / Organizations.
The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances is the nodal agency on all the grievance related issues. The grievances received from the public as well as employees are forwarded to the Ministry / Department / organization concerned to which the area of work for that grievance has been allocated as per ‘Allocation of Business Rules, 1961’. Redressal of grievances is done by respective Ministries / Departments and State Governments to whom they pertain, in a decentralized manner. Directions have been issued to all Ministries/Departments/Organizations to redress grievances of the citizens within a maximum period of two months from the receipt, and in case finalization of a decision on a particular grievance is anticipated to take longer than two months, an interim reply with reasons for delay is to be provided. Under the federal principle of governance, grievances relating to State Governments are forwarded to them for appropriate action.
(d): It is constant endeavor of Government to improve the online Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS). The initiatives taken in this direction are as under:
(i) The online CPGRAMS has also been introduced in the Public Wing of Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) through implementation of PMO pg portal.
(ii) The process of lodging grievances have been simplified through clear menu options and drop down choices.
(iii) The pg portal has been integrated with the pensioner’s portal
(iv) Grievances are now also being monitored by the Hon’ble Prime Minister himself through the online Pro Active Governance and Timely Implementation (PRAGATI), wherein grievances identified for systemic changes are discussed through Video Conferencing with the concerned Secretaries.
(v) A Mobile App has been launched on 21.10.2015, which can be downloaded through scanning of QR Code from the pg portal on to a smart phone from which the grievance can be lodged.
(vi) For grass root access, the CSC(Common Service Centre) portal has been integrated successfully in CPGRAMS.


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