Question : Infrastructural Facilities in Tribal Areas

(a) whether the Government has formulated any specific scheme for providing infrastructural facilities like roads, electricity, water, education, health, rural houses etc. in the tribal dominated areas of the country including Odisha and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the number of tribal dominated areas electrified and connected with all-weather roads, State/UT-wise including Odisha;

(c) the major projects/work undertaken by the Government for development of tribal dominated areas in the country during the last three years and the current year; and

(d) the efforts made by the Government to complete these projects in a time-bound manner?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Central and State Governments have been taking various initiatives for socio-economic upliftment of tribal dominated areas in the country. This includes the Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) Strategy implemented since 1974-75, which provides support for infrastructural facilities like roads, electricity, water, education, health, rural houses etc. in the tribal dominated areas of the country including Odisha, through various schemes/programmes of concerned Central Ministries and the State Governments concerned, while the Ministry of Tribal Affairs provides additive to these initiatives by way of plugging critical gaps.Fund allocation under TSP during the last three years and current year is as under:
(Rs. in crore)
Availability of TSP funds 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016 -17
Funds under CS/CSS 22030 20,536 17,363 21355
TSP component under State Plans 59938 85310 89944 Not Available
Funds under Article 275(1) 1050 1133 1392 1400
Funds under SCA to TSP 1097 1040 1132 1250
Total: 84115 92,949 109,831

(b): No separate data regarding electrification of ST dominated villages / areas is centrally maintained. However, as informed by Ministry of Power, at the commencement of Financial Year 2015-16, there were 18,452 un-electrified villages including ST villages. Out of these, 3568 villages have been electrified as on 31.12.2015 under DeenDayalUpadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY). As far as connectivity of tribal dominated areas with all-weather roads is concerned, PMGSY provides for connecting all habitations with a population of 500 persons and above in the plain areas and 250 persons and above for selected tribal areas under Integrated Action Plan with all-weather road connectivity. As on 31.08.2015, 23595 eligible habitations have already been connected with all-weather roads. As informed by Ministry of Rural Development, no separate earmarking of funds under TSP is made because of the inherent nature of indivisibility and non-exclusivity attached to this programme.

However, the figures of unconnected village / habitation is as under:

Item Population
1000+ 500+ 250+ Total
Unconnected Eligible Habitations
5915 15717 20652 42284
Already sanctioned for connectivity under PMGSY

(as on 31.08.2015) 5051 12950 13053 31054

(c): Implementation of various interventions meant for development of tribal dominated areas in the country is a continuous process. During the last three years, major achievements are outlined below:

• No. of houses constructed under Indira Awas Yojana:

Year Houses constructed (in lakh)
2012-13 3.70
2013-14 3.03
2014-15 2.96
2015-16 6.81

• Out of 18,452 un-electrified villages including ST villages, 3568 villages have been electrified as on 31.12.2015 under DeenDayalUpadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY).
• Out of total 42284 habitation eligible to be covered under Pradhan MantriGrameenSadak Yojana (PMGSY), 23595 habitations have already been connected with all-weather roads as on 31.08.2015.
• Out of the total of 3,55,949 ST habitations, 2,89,210 habitations are fully covered with provision of safe drinking water supply by May 2015.
• Total household latrines constructed for STs during 2012-13 to 2014-15:

Year Household Latrines constructed for STs
2012-13 444075
2013-14 623915
2014-15 706289

• A total of 73 Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRSs) with the capacity of 480 students per school were sanctioned during last three years 2013-14 to 2015-16.
• Funds were sanctioned by the Ministry for creation of more than 50,000 hostel seats for STs across the country.
(d): Implementation of projects sanctioned by the Central Government is carried out by the State Governments as a continuous process. State Governments are insisted upon to timely submit Utilization Certificate as per GFR norms on regular basis.

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