(a) whether the International Labour Organisation has undertaken any study/project regarding
developing countries, including India for creating more employment opportunities; and
(b) if so, the details thereof ?
(a) whether the International Labour Organisation has undertaken any study/project regarding
developing countries, including India for creating more employment opportunities; and
(b) if so, the details thereof ?
(a)&(b). International Labour Organisation (ILO) decided at the 14th Asian Regional Meeting
in 2006 to establish a Decent Work Decade 2006-2015. As a part of this, ILO organized the
`Asian Employment Forum: Growth, Employment and Decent Work` in Beijing during 13-15th August,
2007. Summary of important decisions taken in the meeting is annexed.
Annex referred to in reply to the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.273 due for answer on
19.11.2007 by Shri Subrata Bose, MP regarding ILO Project for Creation of Employment
The major recommendations of Asian Employment Forum are as follows:-
# Support policy coherence related to social, environmental and economic sustainability and
the decent work goals in Asia in a way that takes into account relevant regional initiatives.
# Promote sustainable enterprises in line with the Conclusions adopted by the 2007
International Labour Conference.
# Make the ILO`s `Green Jobs Initative` operational at regional and national levels, using
tripartite discussions and links with Decent Work Country Programmes.
These will be achieved through:-
Setting Policy directions for job creation and poverty reduction.
# Dialogue between constituents and planning agencies is essential for mainstreaming employment
and decent work goals into national policies.
# Assist constituents to implement the Global Employment Agenda, as an operational and
integrated framework of the employment pillar of the Decent Work Country Programmes.
Sustaining productivity and competitiveness as a foundation for decent work.
# Support for cluster development - there is potential for knowledge-sharing among countries.
# Gender equality - there is a need to share information on reaching out to women and to
address gender issues in skills and entrepreneurship training.
# Services for those in low-productivity work or who are excluded from work because of
discrimination, poor education or lack of access to resources.
# Matching skills and enterprise development to the needs of sectors and industries that have
the potential to grow and create quality jobs.
# Increasing the capacity of the social partners to participate effectively in social dialogue
on productivity and competitiveness.
Rolling back informality.
# A basic legal framework covering the informal economy is needed, within individual countries
and across the region.
# Particular attention should be given to reducing the insecurity of vulnerable workers in the
informal economy, including rural migrants and laid-off workers.
# There is a need to share knowledge about good practices in all areas of decent work,
including innovative ways to improve productivity and working conditions, extending social
protection, building self-reliant communities, strengthening representation and voice and
extending the outreach of organizations.