(a) the names of the recruiting agencies against whom complaints have been received from various States in the country during the last two years;

(b) the State-wise details of the said agencies against whom action has been taken; and

(c) the name-wise details of the recruiting agencies against whom the complaints have been redressed alongwith the details of the basis on which the complaint has been redressed?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): From time to time complaints against registered recruiting agencies come to the notice of the Government. Most of the complaints relate to not providing of the promised employment, non-payment of wages by the foreign employer as promised, poor working conditions & accommodation, deployment of workers for employment on visit/commercial visas, etc.

On receipt of such complaints, immediate action is initiated under the Emigration Act, 1983. The registration certificate of the registered recruiting agency is suspended/cancelled as the situation warrants and the Bank Guarantee submitted by the recruiting agent for grant of the Registration Certificate is also invoked, if required.

Names of the recruiting agencies, State-wise, against whom complaints have been received during the year 2010 and 2011 are given in ANNEXURE-I.

(c): The name-wise details of the recruiting agencies against whom the complaints have been redressed are given in Annexure-II.

On receipt of a complaint against a registered recruiting agency, action is initiated against it with the direction to resolve the grievances of the complainant. If the complaint is from person(s) in India, the reply of the Recruiting Agent is sent to the complainant(s) for his/their comments. If the complainant is satisfied with the reply of the Recruiting Agent or he confirms the veracity of the affidavit furnished by the Recruiting Agent for the settlement of their grievances, the matter against the recruiting agency is closed/dropped.

In case the complaint is received through an Indian Mission abroad, the reply of the recruiting agency is forwarded to the Indian Mission concerned and if the Indian Mission is satisfied with the reply of the recruiting agency or confirms redressal of the grievances of the emigrant worker(s), the matter against the recruiting agency is closed.