Question : Compensation to Affected Persons

(a) whether the Government has provided adequate compensation and job opportunities for the persons belonging to the families of those who have provided lands for NLC, Tamil Nadu;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has taken any efforts to find a permanent solution to the contract labourers who are badly affected by the NLC decision of reducing the number of working days per month; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the response of the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b): During the period from 1977 to November, 2018, 6269 hectares of private land have been acquired by NLC India Ltd., and for which about Rs.137 Crore was paid as compensation as per Land Acquisition Act. In addition to the above, another Rs.180 Crore was paid as enhanced compensation, through Lok Adalat, ensuring adequate compensation to the persons belonging to the families who have provided land for NLC India Limited (NLCIL). Apart from monetary compensation, the following Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R&R) facilities were provided to the project affected families:

No. Nature of R&R Measures Quantification
1. Allotment of alternative house sites in well developed, resettlement centers 7374 Plots.
2. Resettlement Allowance paid Rs. 275.53 Lakh.
3. Ex-gratia payment for the structure on Government Lands Rs. 417.53 Lakh.
4. Regular employment provided to the Project Affected Families (PAF). 1827 persons
5. Contract Jobs 3500 persons
6. Cattle Shed, Petty shop Allowance paid Rs. 3.30 Lakh
7. One time Rehabilitation grant in lieu of employment Rs. 2,77,03,500/-
8 Annual expenditure incurred as on date for maintenance, amenities and up-keeping of Resettlement Centers Rs.150.00 lakh per Annum (approx)
9 ITI apprenticeship training imparted to Project affected Persons (PAP). 975 persons
10 Apprenticeship Training (Graduate / Diploma). 154 persons
11 Sponsorship for studying Diploma in Mining. 118 persons
12 Special Training imparted to the PAF members under Medical Lab Technician Training Scheme. 65 persons
13 Training for skill development/ entrepreneurship/ self-employment imparted to the members of PAFs in association with training experts. 1792 persons
14 Number of PAP Contractors registered on the basis of LA. 128 contractors
15 Charges incurred for the development of Resettlement Centers Rs. 1364.38 lakh

(c)&(d) NLCIL has not reduced the number of working days of contract workmen engaged by the contractor employers. As per Mine Planning, due to the closure of Eastern Corridor (EC) Bench System of Mine IA, a small section of workmen engaged by the contractor employers in EC Bench system of Mine-IA Unit of NLCIL resorted to agitation and submitted petitions to NLCIL as well as District Collector and Government agencies. However, the same was resolved by redeploying the contract workmen to other units of NLCIL viz Mine I & Mine II.

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