Question : SPARSH Yojana

(a) whether the Government is implementing Deen Dayal Scholarship for Promotion of Aptitude and Research in Stamps as a Hobby (SPARSH) yojana for students;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the scholarship thereunder will be awarded on the basis of philately quiz and philately project and if so, the details thereof;

(d) the status of implementation of the said scheme since its incpetion along with the funds sanctioned and spent by the Government so far, State/UT-wise; and

(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government for promotion of philately in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes Sir.

(b) The Department of Posts launched Deen Dayal SPARSH (Scholarship for Promotion of Aptitude & Research in Stamps as a Hobby) Yojana on 3rd Nov, 2017. The main objective of the scheme is promotion of philately among children at a young age. Each of the 23 Postal Circles awards maximum 40 scholarships to 10 students each from classes VI, VII, VIII & IX. As such, 920 scholarships are awarded to students across India under the Yojana. The amount of scholarship is Rs. 6000/- per annum.

(c) Yes Sir. A two-level selection process is adopted. At the 1st level, a written test is conducted which is a screening test. Students selected at the first level have to submit a Philately Project for selection at the 2nd level. For this purpose, Circles issue communication to the selected candidates informing them of the list of topics and broad guidelines for the project. The final selection is done on the basis of the marks secured in Philately Project. The evaluation of the project is done by a committee constituted at Circle level and 40 students (10 each from classes VI, VII, VIII & IX) are selected for the award of the scholarships by each Circle.

(d) The SPARSH Yojana has been successfully implemented for the year 2017-18 & 2018-19 and is in progress for the year 2019-20. The number of students selected in the first two editions is enclosed at Annexure I. Funds to the tune of Rs. 55.20 lakh are to be utilised by the Postal Circles for awarding the scholarships in a year. Funds actually utilised by the Postal Circles under Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana for the years 2017-18 & 2018-19 are enclosed at Annexure I.

(e) Several initiatives have been taken by the Department of Posts for promotion of Philately. Details are as follows:

i) Launch of scholarship scheme Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana- As detailed in parts (a) to (d) above.
ii) Launch of an annual nationwide letter writing competition “Dhai Akhar” - A nationwide annual letter writing competition “Dhai Akhar” was launched in 2017-18 to encourage and promote letter writing. 12 prizes are given at the national level and 276 at Circle level. This year Dhai Akhar letter Writing Campaign is launched on the theme “Dear Bapu, you are immortal”. The competition is underway as of now.

iii) Organization of Philatelic Seminars – 23 Postal Circles across the country organize philatelic seminars around the year to promote and spread awareness about Philately. These seminars especially focus on participation of school children.

iv) Organization of Philatelic Exhibitions – Philatelic Exhibitions are organized by Postal Circles to promote Philately. These exhibitions provide a platform to showcase the stamp collections of philatelists and help to initiate newcomers to philately.

v) Opening of School Philatelic Clubs – Special emphasis is given on opening of School Philatelic Clubs to promote philately at the grassroots.

vi) Crowd-sourcing of Stamp designs - Stamp Design Competitions are being organised by the Department of Posts on “people- centric themes” from time to time to engage the people and spread awareness about postage stamps.

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