(a) whether the Government propose to promote Sanskrit language ;

(b) if so, the details thereof ;

(c) the number of research institutes being given grants for promotion of Sanskrit and the amount released for the purpose during the last three years, Year-wise and institution-wise;

(d) whether Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote, Karnataka has requested for grants for the activities aimed at technology Development for Sanskrit and computer aided teaching package for Sanskrit; and

(e) if so, the reaction of the Government thereto ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Yes, Sir. For promotion of Sanskrit, the Government has taken various steps, details of which are given in the statement enclosed (Annexure I).

(c) Mainly four Research Institutes has been given grant for promotion of Sanskrit througb the State Governments of Karnataka. The amount released to them during the last three years institution-wise and year-wise is given in the statement enclosed (Annexure II).

(d) & (e) Yes Sir. The proposed of Academy of Sanskrit Research Melkote, Karnataka for grants for the activities aimed at technology development for Sanskrit and computer aided teaching package for Sanskrit is under consideration.

Annexure I

Statement referred to in reply to Lok SabhaUnstarred Question No.4708 part (a) & (b) for 25.4.2000 about grants for promotion of Sanskrit to be asked by Shri U.V. Krishnamraju

For promotion of Sanskrit language, the Government has a Central Plan Scheme of Development Sanskrit Education consisting of six sub-schemes viz.I) Financial Assistance to eminent Sanskrit Pandits,
(ii) Award of Scholarships to the students of High/Higher Secondary Schools studying Sanskrit,

(iii) providing facilities for teaching of Sanskrit in Secondary schools,
(iv) Modernisation of Sanskrit Pathshalas

(v) Promotion of Sanskrit through State Government’s own Programmes and
(vi) Financial assistance to Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Deemed Universities/CBSE/NCERT/SCERT etc. for Schemes to improve the methodology of teaching Sanskrit in schools, Sanskrit Colleges/Vidyapeethas and for orientation of teachers towards this end. Government of India also promotes Sanskrit through various institutions namely Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi, Maharshi Sandipnai Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratishthan, Ujjain, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit ‘ Vidyapeetha, New Delhi and Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati. These institutions implement various schemes including providing financial assistance to Adarsh Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya/Shodh Sansthan and to Voluntary Sanskrit Orgnisations. Publications and purchase of Sanskrit Books, Implementation of the scheme of Shastra Chudamani and Conduct of all India Sanskrit Elocution Contest, Vedic conferences for promotion of Sanskrit. Besides this the Ministry gives President’s Award of Certificate for Honour to fifteen Sanskrit and one Pali/Prakrit scholars every year for substantial contribution in their respective fields.

Annexure II

Statement referred to in reply to Lok SabhaUnstarred Question No.4708 part (c) for 25.4.2000 about grants for promotion of Sanskrit to be asked by Shri U.V. Krishnamraju

(Rs. in lakhs)
Name of Research Institute Amount Released
1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000
1. Academy of Sanskrit 10.70 7.50 12.50 Research, Melkote, Karnataka
2. Kalpatharu Research 7.45 8.23 5.54 Academy, Bangalore, Karnataka
3. Dwaita Vedanta Studies - 6.85 9.29 and the Research Foundation, No.33/163, 10- B, Main Road, Jayanagar, I Block Bangalore 560 002.
4. Vedantha Bharathi - - 10.93

(Veda Vedanta ) Institute of Studies and Research, Shri Yoganandehswar Saraswati Math, Mysore, Karnataka.