Question : BT Cotton Plants

(a) whether the Government is intending to write off the trait value charged from farmers for Bollgard-II variety of BT cotton plants and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Ministry is seized of the fact that the Monsanto company (now Bayer) had been charging exorbitant price for cotton seeds in the name of BT 2 trait value and collected more than Rs. 7,000 crore from the farmers, if so, whether the Government would promulgate legislations to restrict such charges levied by the producers/sellers of BT cotton and other seed varieties within a specific timeframe;

(c) whether the cotton seed firms have informed the Government that the trait value component on Bollgard-II variety has proven to be ineffective in the last season as the pink bollworm has developed resistance to technology; and

(d) if so, the response of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) & (b): Yes Sir, in order to ensure the availability of the Bt. Cotton seed to the farmers at fair, reasonable and affordable prices and curtail the charging of exorbitant price, DAC&FW has promulgated Cotton Seeds Price (Control) Order (CSPCO), 2015, on 07.12.2015. Under this order a committee fixes Maximum Sale Price (MSP) of BT Cotton Seed every year, considering the seed value, recurring royalty (trait value), trade margins etc. The price of BG-II cotton seed in 2019 was fixed at Rs.730/- including Rs.20/- as trait value.

(c) & (d): No seed firm has informed about this, however, National Seed Association of India has informed that BG-II technology has become ineffective against Pink Boll Worm. However, ICAR has informed that despite the fact that Pink Boll Worm has developed resistance to the cry toxins present in Bollgard II, farmers are cultivating Bt cotton in more than 87% of cotton area and the technology is still good and continues to provide protection against American Boll Worm and Spotted Bollworm.


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