Question : Statutory Powers to NCVT

(a) the details and functions of the National Council on Vocational Training (NCVT);
(b) whether the Government proposes to give statutory powers to the NCVT;
(c) if so, the details thereof and the objectives of the council once it is converted into a statutory body; and

(d) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a) National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) was constituted by a Resolution of Ministry of Labour in year 1956, as an advisory body with a view to ensure and maintain uniformity in standards of vocational training all over the country. It is an apex tripartite body, constituted under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Union Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. The Council is reconstituted after every three years. The tenure of existing council is upto27th April, 2020. The composition of existing council is at Annex-I.

The Council was entrusted with the responsibilities of prescribing standards and curricula for Vocational Training, advising the Government of India on the overall policy & programmes, granting affiliation of Institutes, conducting All India Trade Tests & awarding National Trade Certificates. The important functions of the NCVT are at Annex-II

(b) to (d) The Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship has prepared a proposal for establishment of an interim regulatory body, the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET), through a Government Resolution, by merging the existing National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) and the National Skill Development Agency (NSDA). The proposed NCVET will regulate the functioning of entities engaged in vocational education and training, both long term and short-term, to establish minimum standards for the functioning of such entities.
The primary functions of the NCVET would be:
(i) Recognition and regulation of Awarding bodies, Assessment bodies, Information Utilities.
(ii) Approval of qualifications developed by Awarding bodies and SSCs
(iii) Research and information dissemination.
(vi) Grievance redressal.


The members of National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT);

a) Union Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Chairman
b) Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Vice-Chairman
c) Secretary, MSDE Member
d) Director General/ Additional Secretary, Directorate General of Training Member
e) Director General/ Additional Secretary, National Skill Development Agency(NSDA) Member
f) Financial Advisor, MSDE Member

g) One representative each of:
i. Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Member
ii. Ministry of Textiles Member
iii Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of HRD Member
iv. Ministry of Labour& Employment Member

h) One representative each from State of:
i. Uttar Pradesh Member
ii. Bihar Member
iii. Maharashtra Member
iv. Gujarat Member
v. Haryana Member
vi. Odisha Member
vii. Karnataka Member
viii. Tamil Nadu Member
ix. Sikkim & Member
x. Delhi (Union Territory) Member

i). One representative of All India Council for Technical Education Member
j). One representative of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Member
k). Two representatives of Employers Organizations Members
l). Two representatives of Workers Organizations Members
m). Two representatives of SC & ST (one from each category) Members
n). Two representative of All India Women Organization Members
o). Two Experts Members
p). Director (Training), Directorate General of Training Member Secretary


The important functions of the National Council for Vocational Training are as under :

1. Prescribing standards in respect of syllabi, equipment, and space norms, duration of courses and methods of training;
2. Arranging trade tests in various trade courses and lay down standards of proficiency required for success in the examination leading to the award of National Trade Certificate;
3. Arranging for ad-hoc or periodical inspections of training institutions in the country to ensure that the standards prescribed by the council are being followed;
4. Granting of affiliation to trade/ units of government or of private agencies for purposes of issue of National Trade Certificates and laying down conditions for such recognition;
5. Prescribing qualification for the technical staff of training institutions;
6. Prescribing the standards and conditions of eligibility for the award of National Trade Certificates;
7. Advising the Central Government regarding allocation of funds to the state towards expenditure on the Craftsmen Training Scheme;
8. Performing such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Government of India; and
9. Performing such functions as are assigned by or under the Apprentices Act, 1961.
10. Performing functions as a central agency to advise the Government of India in framing the training policy and coordinating vocational training throughout India.

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