(a) the details of proposals received by the Government from coastal States including Gujarat and Maharashtra under coastal security scheme and the response of the Government thereto, State-wise;

(b) the details of coastal police stations sanctioned and functional under the coastal security scheme, phase-II and the expenditure incurred thereon, State-wise;

(c) whether coastal security has been reviewed recently in view of the increasing threat perception from sea routes;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the steps taken by the Government for strengthening coastal security?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The coastal States/UTs carried out vulnerability/gap analysis in consultation with Coast Guard to firm up their requirements for formulation of the Coastal Security Scheme Phase-II. After getting detailed proposals from the coastal States/UTs, Coastal Security Scheme Phase-II has been approved.

The scheme is being implemented over a period of 5 (five) years starting from 1st April, 2011 with total financial outlay of Rs.1579.91 crores, (Rs.1154.91 crore for non-recurring expenditure and Rs.425 crore for recurring expenditure) through 9 coastal States and 4 UTs.

The details of approved components under the Scheme are given below:

S.No.	Name of	Costal	Boats/Vessels	Number	Four-	Motor	State/UT	Police	12 Ton	Others	of	whee	Cycles	Stations	jetties	lers

1 Gujarat 12 21 10 (5 T) 5 12 24

2 Maharashtra 7 14 3 7 14

3 Goa 4 4 2 4 8

4 Karnataka 4 12 2 4 8

5 Kerala 10 20 4 10 20

6 Tamil Nadu 30 20(19mt) 12 30 60

7 AP 15 30 7 15 30

8 Orissa 13 26 5 13 26

9 West Bengal 8 7 4 8 16

10 Daman & Diu 2 4 2 2 4

11 Lakshadweep 3 6 12 2 3 6

12 Pondicherry 3 6 2 3 6

13 A&N Islands 20# 10 10 20 20 10 MOCs 23

Total 131 150 75 60 131 242
LV- large vessels RIB- Rigid Inflatable Boats Marine Operational Centres

# Existing 20 Coastal Police Stations will be upgraded

(b): The Coastal States / UTs have started construction / operationalisation of Coastal Police Stations. The details of Coastal Police Stations and amount sanctioned for construction works under Coastal Security Scheme Phase –II are given below:-
State/ UT	Nos. of Coastal Police Stations	Amount	sanctioned under Coastal Security	(Rs. in lakhs)	Scheme Phase - II

Gujarat 12 756.00

Maharashtra 7 441.00

Goa 4 252.00

Karnataka 4 252.00

Kerala 10 630.00

Tamil Nadu 30 1890.00

AP 15 945.00

Odisha 13 819.00

West Bengal 8 504.00

Daman & Diu 2 126.00

Puducherry 3 189.00

Lakshadweep 3 225.00

A&N Islands 20 700.00
Existing Police Stations to be upgraded to coastal Police Stations

(c) to (d): Coastal Security is reviewed by ‘National Committee on Strengthening Maritime and Coastal Security against threats from the Sea’ (NCSMCS) under the chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary. The 6th Meeting of NCSMCS was held on 22.6.2012.

(e): The steps taken for strengthening coastal security are:-

(i) The Indian Navy has been designated as the authority responsible for overall maritime security which includes coastal security and offshore security. The Indian Coast Guard has been additionally designated as the authority responsible for coastal security in territorial waters including areas to be patrolled by Coastal Police. The Director General Coast Guard has been designated as Commander Coastal Command responsible for overall coordination between Central and State agencies in all matters relating to coastal Security.

(ii) Ministry of Shipping has been mandated to streamline the process of compulsory registration of all types of vessels, i.e. fishing as well as non-fishing vessels, and also to ensure fitting/provision of Automatic Identification System (AIS) on these boats.

(iii) Department of Fisheries has taken steps to issue biometric ID cards to all the fishermen.

(iv) The Registrar General of India (RGI) has been mandated to issue Multi-purpose National Identity Cards (MNICs) to the population in the coastal villages, including fishermen.

(v) The Coast Guard has taken steps to create a chain of radar sensors along the coastline, including setting up 9 additional coast guard stations on the western coastline of the country.

(vi) Standard operating procedures for all coastal States / UTs have been finalized.

(vii) Navy has set up 4 joint operation centre at Mumbai, Visakhapatnam, Kochi and Portblair under the charge of existing naval C-in-Cs as the C-in-Cs Coastal Defence. A Sagar Prahari Bal with a special force comprising in 1000 personnel and 80 Fast Interceptor Crafts for force security protecting of naval basis and co-located vulnerable areas and vulnerable points has also been raised / equipped.

(viii) Joint coastal security exercises like ‘Sagar Kavach’, conducted biannually, have been very useful and have ushered in an era of synergy in joint operations. Modalities have been worked out to disseminate the lessons learnt in each exercise for the benefit of all other coastal States/UTs. The lessons learnt are communicated to all stakeholders, to fill the gaps.