Question : Consumption of Fertilizers

(a) the annual consumption of fertilizers in LMT for each major type of fertilizer (Urea, DAP, NPK, Potash and SSP) and the annual expenditure on the same by farmers of Telangana for the past seven years from 2015- 16 to the current year 2021-22;
(b) the factor by which the expenditure on fertilizers by farmers of Telangana has grown between 2015-16 and present year;
(c) the trend of average per hectare consumption of each major type of fertilizer by farmers of the Telangana in the past seven years; and
(d) the fertilizer component of the cost of cultivation of the three largest crops of Telangana for the six years from 2015-16 to 2020-21?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) to (d): The annual consumption of fertilizers for each major type of fertilizer (Urea, DAP, NPK, Potash and SSP) from the year 2015-16 to 2020-21, in respect of Telangana State is as under:

Consumption (in ''000 tonnes) Per ha Fertiliser consumption in Kgs.*

2015-16 1253.29 211.85 96.95 852.66 54.92 256.13 43.30 19.81 174.26 11.22
2016-17 1511.45 249.66 186.66 903.29 57.14 253.18 41.82 31.27 151.31 9.57
2017-18 1404.73 253.23 202.70 1007.79 49.71 231.84 41.79 33.45 166.33 8.20
2018-19 1382.99 222.80 141.01 1050.02 40.26 248.14 39.98 25.30 188.39 7.22
2019-20 1520.20 231.53 171.49 1220.88 44.95 173.24 26.38 19.54 139.13 5.12
2020-21 1753.64 313.93 246.64 1518.26 51.17 193.48 34.64 27.21 167.51 5.65
Source: Area 2015-16 to 2017-18 - Land use Statistics; 2018-19 onwards Reported by State Government during Zonal conference. No data has been reported for the current year i.e. 2021-22.
The Government of India is providing subsidy on all the major fertiliser namely,Urea , DAP , MOP, Complexes. Urea is under the statutory price control. Since 1-03-2018 the MRP urea fixed is Rs 242 per 45 Kg bag. i.e. Rs 5377 per tonne. Prior to this the MRP of Urea was 5360 per tonne. The Price of P&K depend upon the International price and other factors and subsidy is granted under the NBS scheme. The MRP of Urea since long is almost constant. Thedetails of MRP and subsidy rate of DAP, MOP and NPKS fertiliser are tabulated as under:
Year Subsidy rate
Printed MRP (AVG.) Market Price w/o Subsidy (50 kg bag) Subsidy rate Printed MRP (AVG.) Market Price w/o Subsidy (50 kg bag) Subsidy rate Printed MRP (AVG.) Market
Price w/o Subsidy
(50 kg bag)
2015-16 617.50 1250.00 1867.50 465.00 825.35 1290.35 457.23 1014.30 1471.53
2016-17 447.25 1151.65 1598.90 464.10 638.40 1102.50 356.63 973.20 1329.83
2017-18 446.85 1112.15 1559.00 371.85 593.40 965.25 349.54 955.20 1304.74
2018-19 520.10 1348.65 1868.75 333.70 809.40 1143.10 379.52 1116.85 1496.37
2019-20 520.10 1325.70 1845.80 333.70 951.65 1285.35 380.77 1141.55 1522.32
2020-21 511.55 1250.75 1762.30 303.50 893.65 1197.15 381.35 1126.50 1507.85
2021-22 1211.55 1267.05 2478.60 303.50 1129.85 1433.35 732.35 1406.00 2138.35


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