Question : Development of SCs


TO BE ANSWERED ON 03.03.2020


Will the Minister of SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has formulated any new policy for the welfare of the people belonging to the Scheduled Castes;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the funds allocated for the welfare and development of the Scheduled Castes in the countryduring the last three years, scheme and State-wise particularly in Madhya Pradesh;

(d) the details of the funds released and spent by the Government in this regard; and

(e) whether the Government has constituted any working group to ensure proper implementation of the schemes and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister




(a) & (b) : No sir, no new policy has been formulated by the Government of India for the welfare of the people belonging to the Scheduled Castes.

(c) & (d): Scheme-wise details of funds allocated and released for the welfare and development of the Scheduled Castes in the country during the last three years by the Government are given in Annexure.

(e): No working group has been constituted in the Ministry. All schemes are being reviewed regularly with the state Governments and organizations on performance parameters.


Annexure referred to in reply to part (c) & (d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1963 for 03-03-2020

The details of the State wise funds allocated and released/spent under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes during last three years is given below:
1. Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Pre-Matric Scholarship to the SC Students studying in classes IX & X
(Rs Lakh)

S.NO. States/UTs 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1. Andhra Pradesh 1798.74 0 0
2. Chandigarh 46.75 18.98 0
3. Chhattisgarh 2496.29 0 0
4. Daman & Diu 0.00 2.68 0
5. Delhi 0.00 2.36 0
6. Gujarat 2100.12 0 0
7. Haryana 0.00 1500.00 0
8. Himachal Pradesh 363.80 143.01 0
9. Jammu &Kashmir 129.83 0 0
10. Jharkhand 0.00 0 1634
11. Karnataka 5819.59 0 0
12. Kerala 1654.25 0 0
13. Madhya Pradesh 13352.88 0 0
14. Manipur 0.00 38.92 0
15. Odisha 3140.88 1849.79 996
16. Punjab 2821.02 1843.00 0
17. Rajasthan 2101.16 0 3075
18. Sikkim 0.00 5.74 0
19. Tamilnadu 7382.39 0 0
20. Tripura 205.48 55.34 259
21. Uttar Pradesh 0.00 0 2706
22. Uttrakhand 0.00 325.53 0
23. West Bengal 7201.58 300.12 2870
24. Puducherry 0 196.53 0

2. Pre-Matric Scholarship to the Children of those engaged in occupations involving cleaning and prone to health hazards
(Rs Lakh)
S.NO. States/UTs 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1. Himachal Pr. 0.00 35.07 10.16
2. Maharashtra 170.00 0.00 298.00
3. Mizoram 18.17 0.00 0.00

3. Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students
(Rs Lakh)

S.NO. States/UTs 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 Andhra Pradesh 14398.00 31742.54 9000
2 Assam 1690.00 0 1500
3 Bihar 4081.00 0 0
4 Chandigarh 0.00 145.97 797.44
5 Chhattisgarh 190.00 3902.02 323
7 Delhi 473.76 0 702
8 Goa 0.00 14.99 0
9 Gujarat 5244.00 14339.54 18055
10 Haryana 10735.00 0 5809
11 Himachal Pradesh 2400.00 7425 5325
12 Jammu & Kashmir 202.00 1362.76 0
13 Jharkhand 2071.00 892.95 1723
14 Karnataka 3300.00 39546.98 2918
15 Kerala 4267.20 8391 0
16 Madhya Pradesh 3308.00 23042.54 0
17 Maharashtra 10669.00 50497.96 143392
18 Manipur 583.31 750.56 754
20. Odisha 19879.80 4747.56 20891
22 Punjab 28008.40 11573.21 63131
23 Rajasthan 20056.00 32922.79 7768
24 Sikkim 255.50 0 104
25 Tamil Nadu 74324.00 43448.24 140738
26 Telangana 33166.00 14024.24 0
27 Tripura 1904.68 1991.84 2597
28 Uttar Pradesh 27000.00 25420.46 167288
29 Uttarakhand 7301.00 3969.00 0
30 West Bengal 4369.00 21256.91 0

4. Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY)
(Rs Lakh)
Sl Name of the State/UT Fund released
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 Andhra Pradesh 77.0 - 0
2 Assam 1575.0 - 2850.2
3 Bihar - - 3092.8
4 Chhattisgarh 2075.0 375.0 603.2
5 Gujarat - - 260
6 Haryana 132.0 - 0
7 Himachal Pradesh - - 936
8 Jammu and Kashmir - - 738.4
9 Jharkhand - - 520
10 Karnataka 211.0 - 1300
11 Kerala - - 10.4
12 Madhya Pradesh 315.0 1050.0 0
13 Maharashtra - - 1507.6
14 Manipur - - 124.8
15 Meghalaya - - 41.6
16 Orissa 1575.0 - 0
17 Puducherry - - 104
18 Punjab 132.0 1610.0 1674
19 Rajasthan - - 0
20 Tamil Nadu - - 1498
21 Telangana 66.0 - 0
22 Tripura - - 52
23 Uttar Pradesh 110.0 865.0 185.0
24 Uttarakhand - - 1289.6

5. Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCA to SCSP)
(Rs Lakh)
Sl. No. States/UTs Fund released
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Notional Allocation Actual Release Notional Allocation Actual Release Notional Allocation Actual Release

1 Andhra Pradesh 2824.96 2824.96 3377.00 3377.00 4184.43 5253.17
2 Assam 615.79 607.93 1185.00 1413.00 1251.24 0.00
3 Bihar 8214.66 3886.91 6622.00 0.00 12957.35 600.00
4 Chhattisgarh 1699.20 1699.20 1310.00 6807.00 1350.73 2148.00
5 Gujarat 1756.05 1756.05 1630.00 0.00 1493.76 0.00
6 Goa 5.04 0.00 8.00 0.00 4.21 0.00
7 Haryana 1752.26 1752.26 2044.00 1117.00 1964.29 1534.00
8 Himachal Pradesh 607.95 607.95 694.00 1300.00 961.82 962.00
9 Jammu & Kashmir 307.48 307.48 367.00 407.00 371.47 371.00
10 Jharkhand 1099.54 1099.54 1591.00 845.00 1591.07 2243.00
11 Karnataka 3197.28 3197.29 4189.00 8189.00 6563.86 6355.44
12 Kerala 1049.55 550.73 1217.00 1452.00 1136.55 1137.00
13 Madhya Pradesh 7880.06 7880.06 4532.00 4759.00 5052.08 9178.00
14 Maharashtra 4234.14 4234.14 5304.00 0.00 5316.38 0.00
15 Manipur 30.81 26.50 52.00 0.00 80.81 90.00
16 Odisha 2404.72 2404.72 2870.00 5070.00 3446.34 5267.00
17 Punjab 5239.94 5239.94 3541.00 0.00 3811.15 0.00
18 Rajasthan 4289.57 1441.22 4883.00 5683.00 5632.23 6498.00
19 Sikkim 47.77 47.76 15.00 150.00 11.45 165.00
20 Tamil Nadu 4971.17 17846.23 5772.00 5772.00 6397.72 7407.47
21 Telangana* 1187.79 3687.79 2168.00 4168.00 2472.03 3287.00
22 Tripura 905.63 905.62 348.00 2348.00 656.50 1470.00
23 Uttar Pradesh 16448.92 9201.40 16544.00 11701.00 18637.72 25263.14
24 Uttarakhand 443.28 0.00 757.00 0.00 478.09 0.00
25 West Bengal 8386.44 8386.44 8580.00 8580.00 13676.73 10448.78
26 Chandigarh 200.00 200.00 200.00 47.00 250.00 47.00
27 Delhi 139.21 0.00 187.00 0.00 234.36 0.00
28 Puducherry 60.79 0.00 13.00 0.00 15.64 0.00

6. Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana for Girls
(Rs Lakh)
Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Fund released
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 Andhra Pradesh 0.00 0 126
2 Assam 0.00 718.44 622.0232
3 Haryana 244.17 404.89 0
4 Jammu & Kashmir 0 160.41 0
5 Karnataka 0 0 150
6 Kerala 0 300 0
7 Madhya Pradesh 352.34 3547.66 0
8 Maharashtra 90.00 103.05 101.25
9 Manipur 271.55 628.37 149
10 Orissa 653.73 283.73 0
11 Punjab 571.78 273.88 399
12 Rajasthan 2.50 81.46 0
13 Sikkim 0.00 0 175
14 Tamil Nadu 0 300 0
15 Telangana 0 0 288.8
16 Tripura 157.50 157.5 0
17 West Bengal 666.41 41.25 0
18 Puducherry 0 0 300

7. Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana for Boys
(Rs Lakh)
Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Fund released (Rs. Lakh)
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 Andhra Pradesh 0.00 0 0
2 Assam 0 0 324.18
3 Himachal Pradesh 60 0 0
4 J&K 0 0 40.62
5 Karnataka 0 0 135
6 M.P. 240 240 412.5
7 Maharashtra 65.79 67.5 0
8 Manipur 0.00 0 118
9 Orissa 50 0 188.4
10 Punjab 71.71 26.84 23.4
11 Rajasthan 2.50 45 0
12 Tamil Nadu 0 110.66 0
13 Puducherry 0 0 102.5

Under the Central Sector Schemes of Top Class Education for SC Students, Free Coaching Scheme for SC and OBC Students, National Fellowship Scheme for SC Students, National Overseas Scholarship funds are not allocated or released to the State Governments.

8. Centrally Sponsored Scheme for implementation of the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 and the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
S. No. Name of State/UTs 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Fund allocated (Rs. in Lakh) Fund released (Rs. in Lakh) Fund allocated (Rs. in Lakh) Fund released (Rs. in Lakh) Fund allocated (Rs. in Lakh) Fund released (Rs. in Lakh)
1. Andhra Pradesh * 1892.73 * 2609.01 * 3700.84
2. Assam * Nil * 6.00 * Nil
3. Bihar * 728.01 * 1506.67 * 1220.00
4. Chhattisgarh * 274.97 * 507.12 * Nil
5. Goa * 13.80 * 7.45 * 40.00
6. Gujarat * 1438.41 * 3010.755 * 1072.24
7. Haryana * 458.55 * 753.625 * 1041.419
8. Himachal Pradesh * 281.74 * 42.485 * Nil
9. Jharkhand * 84.53 * 183.702 * 316.565
10. Karnataka * 2933.46 * 2864.77 * 6020.75
11. Kerala * 0.00 * 1105.46 * Nil
12. Madhya Pradesh * 4207.00 * 6819.965 * 7224.67
13. Maharashtra * 1600.00 * 2547.47 * 416.553
14. Odisha * 1050.25 * 1124.435 * 1356.25
15. Punjab * 265.00 * 100.00 * Nil
16. Rajasthan * 1400.00 * 3070.695 * 1820.26
17. Sikkim * 17.00 * 21.00 * 25.00
18. Tamil Nadu * 1724.77 * 1921.2345 * 2525.015
19. Telangana * 1147.86 * 1373.445 * 2306.275
20. Tripura * 0.00 * 14.750 * 22.957
21. Uttar Pradesh * 2214.90 * 5100.4705 * 10813.115
22. Uttarakhand * 13.02 * 76.488 * 144.28
23. West Bengal * 300.00 * 409.00 * 256.041
24. Chandigarh * 10.00 * 10.00 * 50.00
25. NCT of Delhi * 25.00 * Nil * 48.00
26. Puducherry * 175.00 * 400.00 * 152.0

9.Grant- in – Aid provided to Voluntary Organisations working for the welfare of Scheduled Castes.
(Rs Lakh)
Sl. No. Name of State/UTs Fund released
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1. Andhra Pradesh 27.41 135.77 118.90
2. Gujarat 25.45 32.18 0
3. Haryana 43.22 0.67 3.88
4. Himachal Pradesh 6.58 6.51 11.76
5. Jammu and Kashmir 33.41 9 11.75
6. Karnataka 562.67 224.7 164.70
7. Madhya Pradesh 125.40 40.23 49.78
8. Maharashtra 1463.48 1119.17 678.13
9. Orissa 513.66 363.50 18.10
10. Rajasthan 709.57 31.19 83.35
11. Tamil Nadu 5.74 29.96 54.35
12. Uttar Pradesh 918.36 290.58 312.40
13. Uttarakhand 0.0 0 31.64
14. West Bengal 28.75 80.35 39.41
15. NCT of Delhi 191.36 44.81 147
16. Assam 132.84 153.73 42.47
17. Manipur 150.47 27.93 64.59
18. Telangana 69.76 59.72 25.56
Grand Total 6999.55 7000.00 3607.77

Fund allocated under the Scheme ( Rs. In Lakh)

2017-18 2018-19

7000 7000 3608

10. State/UT and year-wise details of funds allocated/disbursed by NSFDC to its Channelizing Agencies under its Credit Based Schemes
Rs. In Lakh
Sl. State/UT 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. Amount Disbursed Beneficiaries Covered (Numbers) Amount Disbursed Beneficiaries Covered (Numbers) Amount Disbursed Beneficiaries Covered (Numbers)
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0.00 0 1.55 1 0.00 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 7012.30 4405 3510.69 2030 21085.40 14485
3 Assam 114.41 250 222.11 104 78.39 87
4 Bihar 2455.99 2751 1853.23 3328 114.48 122
5 Chandigarh 53.02 116 31.17 6 35.63 106
6 Chhattisgarh 1802.58 682 1142.69 365 806.68 347
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu 0.00 0 12.36 5 0.00 0
8 Delhi 127.82 75 300.77 123 421.96 265
9 Goa 6.75 1 10.94 2 3.40 1
10 Gujarat 4467.19 5248 1968.86 695 3268.19 700
11 Haryana 249.68 186 541.86 326 789.68 597
12 Himachal Pradesh 138.97 56 92.48 36 39.17 62
13 Jammu & Kashmir 6.20 2 775.40 358 992.88 235
14 Jharkhand 6.23 11 688.17 1179 21.75 23
15 Karnataka 5807.18 9177 1409.13 716 6732.13 5827
16 Kerala 1788.49 1497 1861.94 1160 2065.63 1492
17 Lakshadweep Islands 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.36 1
18 Madhya Pradesh 92.15 93 3179.54 4754 2217.63 3377
19 Maharashtra 65.07 13 6037.52 2952 157.87 174
20 Manipur 100.00 345 2.80 1 0.00 0
21 Meghalaya 0.00 0 0.00 0 4.86 6
22 Mizoram 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
23 Odisha 83.18 116 392.30 269 312.75 277
24 Puducherry 45.00 100 1.63 3 0.00 0
25 Punjab 2131.08 3450 3368.45 2410 3719.58 3295
26 Rajasthan 2390.75 2874 3050.35 3192 573.50 695
27 Sikkim 87.90 35 115.15 48 37.18 11
28 Tamil Nadu 7170.53 9033 8770.68 14934 340.31 346
29 Telangana 3584.43 2804 712.21 280 1084.20 841
30 Tripura 3366.06 2919 6223.06 9144 1048.71 228
31 Uttar Pradesh 221.67 334 7408.87 12117 17337.12 17294
32 Uttarakhand 5.28 9 287.55 229 137.97 138
33 West Bengal 4518.04 35523 6114.97 47573 3693.86 30399
TOTAL 47897.95 82105 60088.43 108340 67121.27 81431

Note: No Scheduled Castes population in Arunachal Pradesh & Nagaland, as per Census, 2011.

(Rs. in lakh)
No. State/UT’s 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Persons Trained Fund Allocated/Sanctioned Persons Trained Fund Allocated/Sanctioned Persons Trained Fund Allocated/Sanctioned
1 Andhra Pradesh 341 69.22 450 112.19 515 70.89
2 Assam 320 63.53 1190 132.10 1130 140.77
3 Bihar 1380 151.25 698 141.98 930 123.34
4 Chhattisgarh 280 43.35 255 46.61 530 102.41
5 Gujarat 575 61.37 150 26.73 154 29.25
6 Haryana 1128 153.30 878 164.31 220 39.54
7 Himachal Pradesh 165 30.12 375 113.90 107 23.25
8 Jammu & Kashmir 50 6.44 250 35.91 120 21.37
9 Jharkhand 540 59.84 415 87.10 630 84.38
10 Karnataka 900 109.33 454 123.29 849 143.90
11 Kerala 240 28.58 626 104.07 257 64.80
12 Madhya Pradesh 1491 195.07 1429 179.04 1589 277.60
13 Maharashtra 505 74.31 440 102.35 801 132.54
14 Manipur 55 7.61 25 4.85 0 0.00
15 Odisha 500 78.64 767 177.79 980 125.97
16 Punjab 575 83.37 512 78.56 1054 196.75
17 Rajasthan 438 71.39 946 107.32 406 67.59
18 Tamil Nadu 1213 207.43 2069 305.17 2059 229.35
19 Telangana 260 55.24 310 64.07 380 52.08
20 Tripura 100 16.50 788 56.72 123 5.36
21 Uttar Pradesh 3225 417.28 2459 400.56 4327 592.61
22 Uttarakhand 150 19.10 250 40.63 246 32.71
23 West Bengal 2300 356.28 1100 162.47 1076 134.14
24 Chandigarh 47 5.22 0 0.00 0 0.00
25 Delhi 200 18.40 252 42.46 606 98.38
26 Puducherry 30 5.35 0 0.00 0 0.00
Total 17008 2387.52 17088 2810.18 19089 2788.98
Note: Under skill training, payments are released based on achievement of milestones, as prescribed in the Common Norms, and funds may be released in the concerned financial year and/or subsequent years.

12. State/ UT wise funds released during last three years under SCDC
S. No. Name of State/UTs 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Fund allocated (Rs. In lakh) Fund released (Rs. In lakh) Fund allocated (Rs. In lakh) Fund released (Rs. In lakh) Fund allocated (Rs. In lakh) Fund released (Rs. In lakh)
1. Chandigarh Funds not allocated State-wise under SCDC 0.00 Funds not allocated State-wise under SCDC 100.00 Funds not allocated State-wise under SCDC 0.00
2. Chhatisgarh 0.00 0.00 100.00
3. Gujarat 0.00 200.00 0.00
4. Haryana 96.00 0.00
5. Himachal Pradesh 0.00 192.00 0.00
6. Kerala 700.00 0.00 0.00
7. Madhya Pradesh 0.00 200.00 700.00
8. Punjab 600.00 500.00 0.00
9. Sikkim 0.00 1.00 99.00
10. Tamil Nadu 0.00 200.00 0.00
11. Tripura 40.00 39.00 58.98
12. Uttar Pradesh 0.00 318.00 42.02
13. West Bengal 564.00 250.00 1000.00


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