Question : Programmes Promoting Science and Technology among Youths

(a) the number of programmes being run by the Government to popularize Science and Technology among youths especially rural youths of the country;

(b) whether the Government intends to popularize Science and Technology among youths in rural and urban areas through the launch of two science communication initiatives;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the quantum of funds to be incurred for this purpose;

(d) whether any Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Doordarshan and Department of Science and Technology in this regard, if so, the details of terms and conditions of MoU; and

(e) the other steps taken/being taken by the Government to develop the scientific temper in Indian society?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) Yes Sir. Ministry of Science & Technology popularizes science and technology in India by means of Conferences, Travel, Exhibition and Popular Lectures (CTEP). Financial assistance is provided for organizing Conference/ Seminar/ Symposium/ Workshop, Popular Lectures and travel support to the researchers for presenting their papers in the conferences within and outside the country. Department of Science & Technology (DST) has used several mechanisms and has launched numerous other schemes, programmes and projects across the entire length and breadth of the country which include- National Science Congress, National Teachers Science Congress, National Children Science Congress, National awards for Science & Technology Communication, Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM) demonstrations comprising of Science fairs & melas, exhibitions, mobile science exhibitions, lecture-demonstrations, interactive media, visits to S&T establishments, hands-on-activities, and so on.

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research under Department of Scientific and Industrial Research has the Popular Science Division at CSIR-NISCAIR (National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources) which brings out three popular science magazines -- Science Reporter (English monthly), Vigyan Pragati (Hindi monthly) and Science-ki-Duniya (Urdu quarterly). It also brings out R&D Newsletter -CSIR News (English) and CSIR Samachar (Hindi).

Vigyan Prasar, an autonomous organization of Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India popularizes Science and Technology through awareness programmes, Print Media, Electronic Media, Vigyan Prasar network of Science Clubs (VIPNET) for rural youth and Science Film Festival.

National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India and primarily engaged in popularizing Science and Technology through a network of 25 science museums/science centres, Mobile Science Exhibitions (MSE) units and plethora of activities for public and students in particular. Some of the major educational programmes organized by NCSM are- National Science Seminar, National Science Drama Festival, Science and Engineering Fair, Science Expo, Science Film Shows, Science Shows, Science Quiz, Science Demonstrations and Lectures, science hobby camps, sky observation programmes, science film shows, science workshops, training programmes for children, innovation festivals, nature trails etc. The units under NCSM also observe important days like the National Science Day, National Technology Day, Earth Day, World Water Day, World Environment Day etc. to highlight various aspects of S & T. Yearly around 1.20 Lakhs nos. of various educational programmes are organized by NCSM at various Science Centres/Museums working under NCSM for the benefit of common masses including students and youth of the country. NCSM organises the Mobile Science Exhibitions (MSE) to communicate science to the rural masses, especially the school students in rural schools. These buses also target the population which is unable to visit science centres. NCSM, Ministry of Culture during 2019-20 took the initiative to launch 25 new MSE buses in collaboration with Department of Science and Technology, Government of India to travel in the Aspirational Districts of the country to create awareness about S&T and to create spark in children in rural areas for interest in Science. The buses plan to travel to schools in Aspirational Districts throughout the year and will aim to create scientific awareness among the rural children. Each specially designed bus contains 20 interactive exhibits on the themes as Food & Health, Sanitation & Hygiene, Energy, Machines in Everyday Life, Space Sciences & Human Welfare, Our Life & Chemistry and Measurements.

(b) & (c): Yes Sir. The Govt. is popularizing Science and Technology among youth in rural and urban areas through Science Channels, namely:-

(i) DD Science:

DD Science is a one-hour programme on Doordarshan National Channel, which is telecast from 5 pm to 6 pm, Monday to Saturday. It is an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, implemented and managed by Vigyan Prasar (VP) in collaboration with Doordarshan, Prasar Bharati. DD Science programmes can be accessed on any DTH platform. This platform is dedicated to science and technology knowledge dissemination, with a strong commitment to spreading scientific awareness especially with Indian perspectives, ethos and cultural milieu. DD Science programmes comprise documentaries, studio-based discussions, science news roundups and short films and mainly targeted for youth both in rural and urban areas.

(ii) India Science:

India Science is an Internet-based science Over-The-Top (OTT) channel. It is an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt of India , implemented and managed by Vigyan Prasar (VP), an autonomous organisation of Department of Science and Technology. This 24x7 video platform is dedicated to science and technology knowledge dissemination, with a strong commitment to spreading scientific awareness especially with Indian perspectives, ethos and cultural milieu. The initiative is implemented by Vigyan Prasar & supported by National Council of Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), DST.

Rs. 80.42 Crores have been proposed to be incurred for the Science Channels for the Financial Years 2019-20 and 2020-21.

(d) Yes Sir, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Doordarshan and Department of Science and Technology for DD Science. The copy of MOU with details of terms and condition is enclosed.

(e) Development of a Culture of science is essential for developing the scientific temper. The Ministry of Culture is committed to develop a culture of science, technology & innovation, enhancing S&T literacy, public understanding and appreciation of S&T as well as inculcation of scientific temper in the society by setting up of Science Cities/Science Centres/Innovation Hubs and organizing S&T awareness programmes throughout the length and breadth of the country under the new Scheme for Promotion of Culture of Science (SPOCS) through National Council of Science Museums (NCSM). Vigyan Prasar, an autonomous organization with Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, aims to popularize science across the country among different target groups and for various stakeholders and the progarmmes are designed and developed to inculcate scientific temper in the society.

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