(a) the steps being taken by the Central Ground Water Authority on wastage of ground water by packaged water companies especially by the unorganised sector operating in metro cities;

(b) the mechanism to monitor/keep a vigil eye on whether such industries have obtained the requisite consent of the concerned authorities;

(c) whether it is mandatory to submit a report to the Central Ground Water Authority/National Green Tribunal regarding `sources` from which these factories collect water; and

(d) if not, the steps being taken to make it necessary?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) has fixed norms for withdrawal of ground water by industries using ground water as raw material including packaged water companies. Norms fixed by CGWA for extraction of ground water by such industries are as under:

Category of area as per ground Ground water withdrawal limit water resource assessment (2009)
Safe Withdrawal limited to 200% of ground water recharge
Semi-critical Withdrawal limited to 100% of ground water recharge Critical Withdrawal limited to 50% of ground water recharge
Over-exploited and Notified Areas Permission is not granted.

(b) Central Ground Water Authority has directed all State Pollution Control Boards to setup monitoring mechanism to verify actual requirement and withdrawal of ground water including im- plementation of artificial recharge measures. CGWA has also advised Bureau of Indian Standards to advise all concerned industries using ground water as their raw material to obtain “No Objection Certificate” for ground water withdrawal from CGWA, which is mandatory.

(c) Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) accords ‘No Objection Certificate’ to the firms for withdrawal of ground water, wherein industries are required to report about the source and number of ground water abstraction structures while applying for ‘No Objection Certificate’. Submission of compliance report of conditions imposed in ‘No Objection Certificate’ is mandatory.

(d) In view of reply to part(c) above, does not arise.