Question : Price of Pulses

(a) whether the prices of pulses have shown a sharp rise during the recent months, if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor along with the steps being taken to check the prices and ensure availability of pulses;

(b) whether pulses have been imported or are proposed to be imported to meet the shortage and check prices, if so, the details thereof and the manner in which these are proposed to be distributed indicating the production, demand and import of pulses during the last three years and the current year, State-wise;

(c) whether huge quantities of hoarded pulses were seized during recent raids, if so, the details thereof and the manner in which they are proposed to be utilised indicating the number of raids conducted and quantum of pulses seized during the last six months, State-wise; and

(d) the steps being taken to fix stock limit of pulses for every State and to check hoarding and black-marketing thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) : The details of the price trends over the last six months are at Annexure-I. Rise in the prices of pulses are due to several factors such as adverse weather conditions, rise in transportation costs, supply constraints and artificial shortage due to hoarding and black-marketing. The steps taken to check prices and ensure availability of pulses include extension of zero import duty on pulses, export ban on pulses, stock limit on pulses, etc.

(b) : During Apr-Aug, 2015-16, 1.90 million tonnes has been imported, as compared to 1.46 million tonnes in Apr-Aug, 2014-15. Imports are primarily undertaken by private traders. However, during the current year in view of prevailing price situation, import of 5000 MT of Tur was undertaken by the Government. The imported Tur has been allocated to States based on demand requests received from State Governments. Details of production, demand and import of pulses is at Annexure-II.

(c) & (d) : Yes, Madam. The requisite details are given at Annexure-III. The seized pulses are disposed off either through auction or other means permitted under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. As of now, 24 States/UTs have imposed stock limit on pulses.


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