(a) whether any skill development programmes are being run by the Government;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the steps taken to ensure that quality training is provided thereunder;

(d) the total number of persons trained from various States; and

(e) the number out of the above who got employment?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b): As per available information, the Government is undertaking 73 skill development schemes for the youth, which are being implemented by over 20 Ministries/Departments in the Central Government. However, the Ministry of Rural Development is undertaking two schemes for training rural poor youth. The details of the two schemes are as below:

(i) Rural Self Employment and Training Institutes (RSETI), which provides skilling, enables the trainee to take bank credit and start his/her own Micro- enterprise. Some of the trainees seek regular jobs also.

(ii) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) placement linked skill development program (erstwhile Aajeevika Skills). DDU-GKY allows skilling in a PPP mode and assured placements in regular jobs in an organization not owned by the skilled person, including foreign placements, placements by Champion employer (with assured career progression), placements through industrial internship, and placements on completion of long-term skilling courses.

(c) The DDU-GKY guidelines provide for enhancing the quality in skill development program implementation through a three-tier concurrent monitoring process, which includes, inter-alia, monitoring trainer and training quality, training center infrastructure and design, teaching-learning materials and certification.

(d) & (e): Details of candidates trained and placed in jobs under DDU-GKY are given in Annexure. RSETI does not involve placements in jobs.

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