(a) to (c): Yes Madam. According to the annual survey for mining and exploration companies conducted by the Fraser Institute (a Canadian public policy think tank) in 2016, India has been ranked poorly on the Investment Attractiveness Index, Policy Perception Index etc. The report by Fraser Institute is under examination by the Government.
The mining sector has been liberalized since the year 1993 and it is dominated by large number of private sector miners. Under the liberalized economic environment, investment decisions are taken by the entrepreneurs based on their techno-economic feasibility, commercial considerations as also considerations of economic viability.
The details of investment made by the Public Sector Undertakings under the Ministry of Mines viz. Hindustan Copper Limited and National Aluminium Company Limited during the last three years are given as Annexure-I.
(d) to (e): There are a total of 3874 mines (minerals coming under the purview of the Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 2017) in the country as on 16.03.2017, wherein 1684 mines are working. Out of these working mines, 1552 mines are in the Private Sector. The details of sector-wise (Public & Private) production of minerals (excluding coal, atomic, fuel and minor minerals) for the year 2013-14 to 2015-16 are given as Annexure-II.
To promote the investment in mining sector, FDI up to 100% is allowed in exploration, mining, minerals processing and metallurgy under the automatic route for all non-fuel and non-atomic minerals including diamonds and precious stones. Further, the Government has amended the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, 1957 through the MMDR Amendment Act, 2015 which inter-alia provides following provisions to boost the mineral sector:
(i) grant of mineral concessions through auction by competitive bidding;
(ii) transition provisions for extension of existing leases to obviate disruptions in supply of ore and to ensure regular supply of raw material to the industry;
(iii) allowing easy transferability of mineral concessions granted through auction, which would facilitate investments into the mining sector; and
(iv) establishment of National Mineral Exploration Trust for regional and detailed exploration;
(v) period of mining lease upto 50 years to give certainty of tenure.
Annexure mentioned in reply to Lok Sabha unstarred question no. 4786 for 30.03.2017 regarding investment in mining sector
Details of investment made by HCL and NALCO during the last three years
(Rs. in crore)
Name of the Organisation 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Hindustan Copper Ltd
2617.17 250.90 256.99
National Aluminium Company Limited
523 282 452
Mineral Production (excluding coal, atomic, fuel and minor minerals) during the last three years
Public Sector Private Sector
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P) 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(P)
Metallic Minerals
Bauxite Tonne 6690534 6355919 6617939 15628614 16137752 21515577
Chromite Tonne 692221 795250 1076524 2186099 1368913 1817473
Copper Conc. Tonne 139307 107604 142649 - - -
Copper Ore Tonne 3777772 3505348 3907823 - - -
Gold (Total) Kg 1556 1430 1310 8 11 13
Gold Ore Tonne 412877 443279 530754 7552 3999 4153
Iron Ore (Total) ‘000 t 58690 59463 60638 93493 69858 95272
Lead & Zinc Ore Tonne - - - 9281807 9362659 10453037
Lead Conc. Tonne - - - 194426 197668 261858
Manganese Ore Tonne 1148511 1170533 1082793 1477780 1198948 1064836
Silver Kg 154 139 122 349620 327508 426321
Tin Conc. Kg 33275 23001 9268 1587 1684 4273
Zinc Conc. Tonne - - - 1490662 1489374 1473812
Apatite Tonne - - - 1300 930 150
Asbestos Tonne - - - 172 - -
Diamond Carat 37517 36107 36070 - - -
Flourite Graded Tonne 2487 2946 2333 - - -
Flint Stone Tonne - - - 459 244 253
Garnet (Abrasive) Tonne 25269 22394 25460 458290 69000 56334
Graphite R.O.M. Tonne 87995 71706 90275 58395 45006 44293
Kyanite Tonne 142 - 201 3537 6255 2700
Limeshell Tonne 8390 3263 0 10360 13090 10029
Limestone ‘000 t 11635 11885 11194 269228 281388 292621
Magnesite Tonne 121609 164642 147361 75331 120367 117661
Marl Tonne - - - 3254486 2179488 2389706
Moulding Sand Tonne - - - 29963 6383 25852
Phosphorite Tonne 1273586 1465638 1417192 179994 141577 56530
Sillimanite Tonne 16914 26275 18514 50351 39998 51933
Selenite Tonne 531 207 3103 - - -
Sulphur Tonne 390325 429258 441153 - - -
Vermiculite Tonne 2201 2222 989 9650 17114 22278
Wollastonite Tonne - - - 192712 186524 175348
Source: Indian Bureau of Mines (P): Provisional
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