Question : Roadmap for Emission Standards

(a) whether the Government has sought the comments of stakeholders on a draft National Auto Policy to promote clean and safe mobility and adopt a longterm roadmap to harmonise emission
standards with global benchmarks by 2028 and if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government is planning to adopt long-term roadmap for emission standards beyond Bharat Stage VI and harmonise the same with global standards by 2028 and to create a
nodal body with a two-tier structure;
(c) if so, the details thereof and the time by which the nodal body is likely to be created;
(d) whether the country’s automotive sector has the potential to become one of the largest employment generation engines and for India to become a global hub for research and development; and
(e) if so, the steps taken by the Government to develop the potential of the automotive sector and to facilitate India to become a global hub for research and development?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes Madam, Draft National Automotive Policy Feb 2018 is hosted on MoHI&PE website ( and the concerned stakeholders comments are invited.

(b) & (c): Presently, Euro-VI emission standards are applicable worldwide and India has aligned the same as Bharat Stage VI norms. Post-Euro VI norms are still under discussion at global level. India will certainly study those recommendations in future so that national emission regulations could be further tightened. Draft National Auto Policy proposes harmonization of auto standards over the next 5 years. Emission regulations at the moment are developed and notified under the leadership of MoRTH. The creation of a Nodal Body is one of the proposals contained in the draft National Automotive Policy which is under consultation with various stakeholders.

: 2 :

(d) & (e): Yes, Madam, the automotive sector has the potential to become one of the largest employment generation engines and for India to become a global hub for research and development; At present as per Industry estimates, the automotive sector accounts for 49% of the manufacturing GDP of the country and provides direct and indirect employment to 30-32 million people.

The Department of Heavy Industry has sanctioned several R&D projects from the funds available to it under the FAME-India scheme as also other grants available. Department of Heavy Industry also support the Uchhatar Avishkar Yojana(UAY) and Impacting Research Innovation and Technology(IMPRINT) scheme for promotion of R&D by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, some of those projects involve close partnership with industry and technical institutions of Academic-excellence such as IITs etc. The Draft National Auto Policy proposes promotion of R&D by providing suitable fiscal and financial incentives.


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