Question : Land Acquired for SEZs

(a) the details of land area notified, utilised and lying vacant in respect of special Economic Zones (SEZs) during the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(b) the total area of waste land, single crop land and dual crop land out of the above, category-wise;

(c) the reasons for acquiring single crop land and dual crop land for being notified for SEZs; and

(d) the details of the SEZs for which the said single crop and dual crop land has been acquired, location-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a): During the last three years and current year 23 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have been notified over an area of 3023.67 hectares. State-wise number of these SEZs and its area notified is at Annexure.

(b) to (d): Land is a State subject. Land for Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is procured as per the policy and procedures of the respective State Governments. State Governments have been advised that in case of land acquisition for SEZs, first priority should be for acquisition of waste and barren land and if necessary single crop agricultural land could be acquired for the SEZs. If perforce a portion of double cropped agricultural land has to be acquired to meet the minimum area requirements, especially for multi-product SEZs, the same should not exceed 10% of the total land required for the SEZ. The Board of Approval for SEZs only considers those proposals, which have been duly recommended by the State Government.


State-wise number of SEZs and its area notified during the last three years and current year:
(Area in hectares)
Sl. No. States Number of Notified SEZs Total Area Notified
1 Gujarat 2 1912.29
2 Karnataka 1 17.42
3 Kerala 5 135.80
4 Madhya Pradesh 3 103.11
5 Maharashtra 4 311.74
6 Manipur 1 10.85
7 Nagaland 1 290.00
8 Tamil Nadu 2 179.56
9 Telangana 2 11.27
10 Uttar Pradesh 2 51.63
TOTAL 23 3023.67


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