(a) whether the Government had received proposal from various State Governments to establish wind farms or solar panels for generation of electricity, State/UT-wise;

(b) if so, the details thereof including Kerala alongwith solar panels installed in the country during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise;

(c) whether the Government has received any new proposal from the State of Kerala, Kerala State Electricity Board or any other agency to establish wind farms or solar panels for the generation of electricity;

(d) if so, the names of agencies and the proposed capacity of the wind farm or solar panels;

(e) the total money spent on these panels as on date; and

(f) the time by which each of these installed panels are likely to be made functional?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The wind power projects are installed on commercial basis through private sector investments based on techno-economic viability of the sites. The Central Government had not received any proposal from any State/UT Government for establishment of wind farm project.

During 2009-10 and 2010-11, Ministry had received project proposals for central financial assistance for installation of grid connected solar photovoltaic power projects from the State Governments of Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and West Bengal.

(b): A total wind power capacity of 15,683 MW has been installed in country as on 31.10.2011, out of which 35 MW has been installed in the State of Kerala during the last three years. State-wise list of solar power projects installed during the last three years and current year is given in the Annexure 1.

(c): The Ministry has not received any project proposal for establishing wind farms from the State of Kerala. The Ministry has not received any new proposal/detailed project report for installation of solar photovoltaic power projects from the State of Kerala, Kerala Electricity Board or any other agency.

(d): Doesn’t arise.

(e): The Ministry has not released any funds for the establishment of wind farms or grid connected solar photovoltaic power plants in the State of Kerala.

(f): Doesn’t arise.