Question : Sale of PSUs

(a) whether the Government has any proposal to sell some Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in near future;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) if not, the reasons therefor; and

(d) whether some plants are being sold in five years and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) The government has given ‘in-principle’ approval for strategic disinvestment of 35 CPSEs and/or Subsidiaries/ Units/ Joint Ventures of CPSEs with sale of entire or substantial stake along with transfer of management control. List of 35 CPSEs and/or Subsidiaries/ Units/ Joint Ventures of CPSEs for which Government has given ‘in-principle’ approval for strategic disinvestment since 2016 is annexed.


Annexure to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 924 for 26.07.2021

List of CPSEs and subsidiaries/ Units / Joint Ventures of CPSEs for which Government has given ‘in-principle’ approval for strategic disinvestment since 2016.

a) Transactions Completed
S.No. Name of CPSE
1. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
2. Rural Electrification Corporation Limited
3. HSCC(India) Limited
4. National Projects construction corporation Limited
5. Dredging Corporation of India Limited
6. THDC India Limited
7. North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited
8. Kamrajar Port Limited

b) Transactions halted as the CPSEs recommended / approved for closure
9. Hindustan Fluorocarbons Limited (subsidiary)*
10. Scooters India Limited*
11. Bharat Pumps & Compressors Limited*
12. Hindustan Prefab Limited

c) Transactions held up due to litigation
13. Hindustan Newsprint Limited (subsidiary)
14. Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Limited

d) Ongoing Transactions
15. Project & Development India Limited
16. Engineering Project (India) Limited
17. Bridge and Roof Co. India Limited
18. Units of Cement Corporation of India Limited
19. Central Electronics Limited
20. BEML Limited
21. Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited (subsidiary)
22. Nagarnar Steel Plant of NMDC Limited
23. Alloy Steel Plant, Durgapur; Salem Steel Plant; Bhadrawati Steel Plant - units of Steel Authority of India Limited
24. Pawan Hans Limited
25. Air India and five of its subsidiaries
26. HLL Lifecare Limited
27. Indian Medicines Pharmaceuticals Corporation Limited
28. Various Units of India Tourism Development Corporation Limited
29. Hindustan Antibiotics Limited
30. Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited
31. a) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd(except Numaligarh Refinery Limited) (b) BPCL stake in Numaligarh Refinery Limited to a CPSE strategic buyer. [This transaction (NRL) has been completed].
32. The Shipping Corporation of India Limited
33. Container Corporation of India Limited
34. Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited
35. Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd.

*Subsequently Government approved for closure of the Company.

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