(a) Reliable estimates of employment and unemployment are obtained through
quinquennial labour force surveys on employment and unemployment conducted
by National Sample Survey Office (NSS), Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation. Last such survey has been conducted during 2011-12. As per
the results of latest survey, unemployment rates in rural and urban areas
of the country during 2011-12 on different approaches are given below:
Unemployment rate % as of labour force during 2011-12
Approaches Rural Urban
Usual Principal Status 2.3 3.8
Usual Status 1.7 3.4
Current Weekly Status 3.4 4.4
Current Daily Status 5.7 5.5
(b) State-wise unemployment rates on current daily status basis during
2009-10 and 2011-12 is at Annex.
(c) Government of India has been making constant efforts to bridge the gap of
unemployment in the rural and urban areas through normal growth process and
implementing various employment generation programmes in both rural and urban
areas such as Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY); Prime Minister`s
Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP); National Rural Livelihood Mission
(NRLM) and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
besides entrepreneurial development programmes run by the Ministry of Micro,
Small & Medium Enterprises.