Question : Excess payments through Direct Benefit Transfer

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be please to state:

(a) The name of the schemes of his Ministry under which payments are largely made through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT);
(b) The details of the transaction cost paid by his Ministry since inception of DBT, scheme-wise;
(c) Whether there has been an excess payment to the National Payments Corporation of India for DBT transactions so far;
(d) If so, the steps taken by his Ministry to recover the excess payment made so far; and
(e) The details of the corrective steps taken by his Ministry to check recurrence of such lapses in future?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Under Department of Health & Family Welfare (DoHFW), there are 10 DBT Schemes/ Programmes. These are as follows:
1. Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)
2. Janani Sishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) [JSSK is in-kind DBT Scheme]
3. ASHA Incentives
4. Payments to Contractual Staff
5. Family Planning Compensation Schemes
6. Ayushman Bharat- Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY)
7. Nikshay PoshanYojana (NPY)
8. Nikshay- Tribal TB patient Support
9. Nikshay- Notification incentives to Private Providers and
10. Nikshay- Honorarium to Treatment Supporters
Under Department of Health Research (DHR), there are 6 DBT Schemes/ Programmes which are as follows:
1. Fellowship Programmes under The Human Resource Development for Health Research
2. ICMR – Junior Research Fellowship
3. ICMR-Post Doctoral Fellowship
4. ICMR-SRF and RA Fellowship
5. ICMR Short Term Studentship
6. ICMR-Emeritus Medical Scientist Scheme

(b) As on date, Rs.17.46 Crore has been released to National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) which includes transaction charges.
(c) & (d) NPCI has informed that the bills submitted for the period January 2018 to May 2018 included cash out incentive for all the schemes other than Janani Suraksha Yojana (Cash out incentive is applicable for JSY only) leading to an excess claim of Rs.3.26 Crore. The excess payment of Rs.3.26 Crore made to NPCI for the period Jan 2018 to May 2018 has already been adjusted promptly and without any delay while making payment to NPCI during FY 2020-21.

(e) The corrective steps taken by the Ministry are:

(i) NPCI would furnish a certification that the bills and claims raised by them are factually correct and are as per directions of Ministry of Finance.

(ii) NPCI would provide Audited Utilization Certificate along with certified bills and claims.

(iii) Payment to NPCI would be processed after an Internal Audit of bills/vouchers (submitted by NPCI) by the Pay & Accounts Office of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

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