Question : Production of Natural Gas

(a) the total production of natural gas in MMSCMD (million metric standard and cubic
meter per day) in the country and the quantum of natural gas imported during the
last three years and the current year;
(b) whether the Government is having any proposal for e-bidding platform to promote
its market price and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the gas producing companies or its subsidiaries will be allowed to bid
under this platform so that the gas producing companies do not charge exorbitant
price from the consumers;
(d) whether the Government is having any specific provision for MSME industries to
bid separately under a fixed price mechanism; and
(e) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (e): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.
Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (e) of Lok Sabha Starred Question
No. 11 asked by Shri VELUSAMY P and Shri SHANMUGA SUNDARAM K, to be
answered on 19th July, 2021.
(a) Production of natural gas and the quantum of natural gas imported during the
last three years and current year is given below:
Year Production of Natural Gas LNG Import
(in MMSCMD) (in MMSCM)
2018-19 90.1 28,740
2019-20 85.2 33,887
2020-21 78.6 32,861
2021-22 88.37 (April-May) 5242 (April – May)
(b) & (c): Government vide Notification No. Expl-15022(13)/234/2019-ONG-DV (P-
32114) dated 15.10.2020 has introduced Natural Gas Marketing Reforms wherein
the producing companies are allowed to get the bids invited through electronic
bidding portal to discover market price of gas by following a transparent and
competitive bidding process. The bidding is to be conducted through an independent
agency selected from the panel maintained by Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
(DGH). This bidding process and empanelled agencies have been notified vide
Government of India Notification No. Expl-15022(13)/234/2019-ONG-DV (P-32114)
dated 03.12.2020. Sale to affiliates of producers is also allowed under this
arrangement but producing /selling company or its constituents are not allowed to
participate in bidding process.
(d) & (e): There is no specific provision for MSME industries; however, MSME can
participate in the bidding process.
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