(a) the physical and financial target fixed by the Government for solar energy programme during the last three years;

(b) the achievements made so far;

(c) whether the Government have recently reviewed solar energy programme;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) the details of fresh strategies evolved for harnessing abundant solar energy and developing upgrading appropriate technologies;

(f) the details of investments made and proposed to be made in R&D in solar segment; (g) whether any joint ventures/ international cooperation finalized/ under consideration for promotion harnessing of solar energy for projects in various states and particularly in Maharashtra; and (h) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The physical and financial targets fixed by the Government for various solar energy programmes during the last three years and the achievements made so far are given in Tables I & II.

(c), (d) & (e): The progress in the implementation of various solar energy programmes is reviewed every year and also while formulating the Five Year Plans. Based on the review and the resources available, guidelines for implementation of the programmes are formulated and circulated to all implementing agencies. Among the major changes made and new strategies evolved during the last few years for promoting the use of solar energy in the country are:

(i) The subsidy on solar water heaters, solar cookers and other solar thermal devices was discontinued. Soft loan schemes have been introduced through the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency and six banks to finance these devices.

(ii) The solar photovoltaic programme has been expanded and procedures for implementation streamlined. A new scheme relating to grid connected power plants has been introduced.

(iii) Quality improvement and standardisation have been given emphasis. Test facilities have been established for both solar thermal and photovoltaic products.

(iv) In order to promote the use of solar water heating systems in urban areas, a model amendment to building bye-laws has been prepared and circulated to all State Governments; the model regulation seeks to make the installation of such systems mandatory in several types of the buildings.

(v) R&D and demonstration activities have been strengthened. Several new designs of solar cookers, cooking systems and photovoltaic products have been developed and are in different stages of demonstration and evaluation. Among the recent achievements is the installation of the world`s largest solar cooking system at Taleti near Mt. Abu in Rajasthan.

(vi) A new scheme for providing soft loans to manufacturing projects aimed at reducing the cost of solar photovoltaic products has been started.

(f): An amount of Rs. 6.81 crores has been spent towards R&D related to solar energy programmes during the first three years of the Ninth plan till 29th February 2000. The yearwise details of the expenditure made so far are as follows: Expenditure( Rs. in lakhs )

97-98 98-99 99-2000
i) Solar Thermal 13.40 29.00 27.71
ii) Solar Photovoltaics 61.50 352.00 198.68
It is proposed to invest Rs. 3.00 crores in solar photovoltaic and Rs. 50 lakhs in solar thermal R & D during 2000-2001.

(g) & (h): Several projects and ventures involving international cooperation or funding have been taken up by different organizations in various States. Among the projects which have started recently or are under implementation are Lines of Credit from the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and KFW of Germany for supporting solar projects in India, an Indo-US project for installation of solar photovoltaic systems in a few villages in West Bengal, private sector projects financed under the Photovoltaic Market Transformation Initiative funded by the Global Environment Fund and solar manufacturing and marketing ventures in Haryana, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In Maharashtra a photovoltaic module manufacturing unit has been established at Nasik based on technology from USA. Government have recently approved a project for the establishment of a 140 MW Integrated Solar Combined Cycle power plant at Mathania near Jodhpur in Rajasthan with part finance from the Global Environment Facility and KFW.

Table-I Table-I referred to in reply to Parts(a)&(b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3370 for 16.3.2000 regarding Review of Solar Energy Programme. PHYSICAL TARGETS FIXED AND ACHIEVEMENTS MADE DURING THE LAST THREE YEARS UNDER SOLAR ENERGY PROGRAMMES

S.No..	System	1997-98	1998-99	1999-2000 Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement 

1.Solar Water Heater (sq.m ) 35,000 40,000 40 ,000 40,000 40 ,000 30,000

2. Solar Cookers (No.) 35,000 24,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 5,000

3. Solar Lantern( No.) 60,000 46,808 60,000 43,573 60,000 49,376

4. Home Lighting systems(No.) 25,000 17,614 25,000 21,315 30,000 24,521

5. Power Plants & other systems (kW) 100 123 100 206 425 340 6. SPV Water Pumps (No.) 1000 528 Nil 377 500 308

7 Solar Power Plants

(Grid connected in kW) 300 300 200 200 200 100
till 29.2.2000 TableII Table-II referred to in reply to Parts(a)&(b) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3370 for 16.3.2000 regarding Review of Solar Energy Programme.
Rs. in crore
S.No. Programme 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Allocation Achievement Allocation Achievement Allocation Achievement 1 Solar Thermal 3.50 3.31 2.50 1.38 2.50 2.28

2. Solar Photovoltaic 5.77 15.28 33.00 37.00 41.00 31.84

3. SPV Water Pumping 0.40 0.05 7.50 0.05 7.00 6.62

4. Solar Power (Grid connected )1.90 1.90 2.10 2.65 5.25 3.26 till 29.02.2000