(a) whether the Union Government proposes to modernize the Indian Ports to make their functioning efficient and smooth;

(b) if so, the details thereof alongwith the work undertaken/likely to be undertaken at each of the port, port-wise;

(c) the fund spent for last three years in the development of ports, port-wise; and

(d) the scheme-wise fund allocated/likely to be allocated for the same, port-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): Modernisation of the 12 Major Ports which are under the control of the Central Government is an on-going process keeping in view the demands of maritime trade. Under the National Maritime Development Programme (NMDP) launched in December, 2005, a total of 276 projects have been identified in the Major Ports to be taken up for implementation upto 2011-12. The projects cover the entire gamut of activities in the ports including deepening of channels/berths (25 projects), construction/reconstruction of berths/jetties (76 projects), procurement of equipments (52 projects), rail and road connectivity works (45 projects) and other associated projects (78 projects). Port-wise status of the NMDP projects as also the actual expenditure on development in the Major Ports during the last three years is given in the table below:-

(Rs. in crores)
Name of No. ofProjects. No. of Projects No.of Projects No. of Projects Outlay under NMDP Actual exp. the Port under NMDP completed. be taken up. last three years

Kolkata 40 4 5 31 6494.45 167.21
Paradip 28 3 13 12 2402.83 96.16
Vizag 38 2 6 30 2621.00 240.96
Ennore 14 - 4 10 6466.00 69.42
Chennai 14 - 4 10 2247.14 225.41
Tuticorin 24 2 4 18 4571.25 85.52
Cochin 14 1 5 8 7920.00 712.52
New Mangalore 20 - 4 16 7148.00 66.41
Mormugao 12 1 1 10 808.00 205.96
Mumbai 14 1 2 11 2766.00 79.31
JN Port 32 6 6 20 7278.00 1220.04
Kandla 26 6 9 11 5081.00 1331.22
Total 276 26 63 187 55803.67 4500.14
Non-Major Ports are under the overall jurisdiction of the respective State Governments in whom the responsibility for their development vests.