Question : Consumption of Fuel and Energy

(a) the comprehensive steps being taken by the Government for decreasing the consumption of fuel and energy in the country;

(b) whether the Government proposes to purchase agricultural stubbles from the farmers for preventing environmental pollution and its utilization as fuel for power generation;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the Government has issued any guidelines to States to minimize the consumption of fuel and energy; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) : The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), a statutory body under the Ministry of Power (MoP) has been taking many steps for conserving energy through various flagship programmes in the areas of industries, appliances, buildings, transport, agriculture and demand side management etc. In order to fulfill the goals envisaged under the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and foster long term sustainable development. Schemes / programmes being implemented by BEE are as follows:

i. Standards & Labelling programme for Appliances
ii. Energy Conservation Building Code for Building sector
iii. Demand Side Management (DSM) – Agriculture DSM, Municipal DSM and Capacity Building of DISCOMs

iv. Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium Enterprises
v. Perform, Achieve and Trade scheme for large industries
vi. Transport – development of vehicle fuel economy standards

Besides the above, Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint venture of PSUs under Ministry of Power is implementing the National LED Programme launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in January 2015 comprising of (i) Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA) to provide LED bulbs to domestic consumers and (ii) Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP) to replace 1.34 crore conventional street lights with smart and energy efficient LED street lights.

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG), Government of India has notified the National Policy on Biofuels 2018 which inter-alia envisages usage of biofuels in the energy and transportation sectors of the country. The Policy aims to utilize, develop and promote domestic feedstock and its utilization for production of biofuels thereby increasingly substituting fossil fuels. Following programs for promotion of fuel conservation and fuel efficiency in the country are being carried out by Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) under the aegis of MoPNG:-

(a) Activities in the Industrial Sector such as Energy Audits, Energy Management System audits, Fuel Oil Diagnostic Studies.

(b) Activities in Transport Sector such as imparting training for good driving habits and proper maintenance practices.

(c) Activities in Domestic Sector such as education of housewives/ cooks on good cooking habits, development of fuel efficient LPG stoves.

(d) Activities in Agricultural Sector such as conducting workshops, participation in agro fairs/ exhibitions, Kisan Melas and through van publicities in rural/ semi urban areas.

(e) Activities for Mass Awareness for Conservation of Petroleum Products such as Saksham Campaigns (earlier known as Oil and Gas Conservation Fortnight), Social Media campaigns on TV, Radio and Newspapers, literature, Exhibitions etc.

(f) Activities in R&D such as R&D projects in Industrial/ Transport/ Agricultural/ Domestic sectors, biofuel development and development of technologies for solid waste management, development of Energy Efficient PNG burner and Mandatory BIS Certification of LPG Stove.

(b) & (c) : Ministry of Power has issued an advisory to the power plants regarding biomass utilization for power generation through co-firing in pulverized coal fired boilers. NTPC Limited, a Public Sector Undertaking under Ministry of Power is already co-firing biomass pellets made from agricultural stubble to the tune of 60-70 Tonnes per day along with coal in its Dadri Power Station for generating power. Purchase of fuel including pellets is a continuous process and it will be procured based on its availability and requirement in the power plants.

(d) & (e) : The following guidelines have been issued to State Governments to minimize the consumption of fuel and energy:-

i) To adopt “Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)” for promoting energy efficiency in the building sector and establishing minimum energy performance standards at State level.

ii) Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles (EVs) – Revised Guidelines and Standard were issued on 01.10.2019 to enable faster adoption of electric vehicles at State level.

iii) States have been advised to implement state-wide regulatory mechanism for mandating the use of BEE star labelled pump sets for every new agriculture pump connection.


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