Question : Mental Illness

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the cases of mental illness have been increasing in the country;

(b) if so, the details and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government has compiled any data in this regard;

(d) if so, the details thereof during each of the last three years;

(e) whether any study has been conducted or being conducted by the Government in this regard;

(f) if so, the details and the outcome thereof; and

(g) the remedial measures taken or being taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (f): The Government had undertaken a National Mental Health Survey through the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore in 12 States of the country. As per the survey report released on 26th December, 2016, the prevalence of mental disorders including common mental disorders, severe mental disorders, and alcohol and substance use disorders (excluding tobacco use disorder) in adults over the age of 18 years is about 10.6%. The major findings of the survey are as under:
• The prevalence of mental morbidity is high in urban metropolitan areas.

• Mental disorders are closely linked to both causation and consequences of several non-communicable disorders (NCD).

• Nearly 1 in 40 and 1 in 20 person suffer from past and current depression, respectively.

• Neurosis and stress related disorders affect 3.5% of the population and was reported to be higher among females (nearly twice as much in males).

• Data indicate that 0.9 % of the survey population were at high risk of suicide.

• Nearly 50% of persons with major depressive disorders reported difficulties in carrying out their daily activities.

(g): To address the burden of mental disorders, the Government of India is implementing the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) since 1982. The Government is supporting implementation of the DMHP under NMHP in 517 districts of the country for detection, management and treatment of mental disorders/illness. With the objective to address the acute shortage of qualified mental health professionals in the country, the Government, under the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP), is implementing manpower development schemes for establishment of Centres of Excellence and strengthening/ establishment of Post Graduate (PG) Departments in mental health specialties. Till date, support has been provided for establishment of 23 Centres of Excellence and strengthening/ establishment of 46 Post Graduate (PG) Departments in mental health specialties in the country. During the 12th Five Year Plan the DMHP has been restructured to include additional components like suicide prevention services, work place stress management, life skills training and counseling in schools and colleges. Support is also provided for Central/ State Mental Health Authorities, Research and Training and for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities

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