Question : Steel Scrappers

(a) the details of the initiatives undertaken by the Government under the Steel Scrap Recycling Policy;
(b) whether the Government is considering any incentives to promote recycling of steel scrap materials at domestic as well as commercial level;
(c) if so, details thereof;
(d) the details of the number of registered and un-registered setups working in the field of steel recycling and scrapping, State-wise and year-wise;
(e) whether the Government has determined any steps to integrate the unregistered and small scale steel scrappers in the mainstream;
(f) if so, the details thereof;
(g) whether the Government has taken any steps to maintain the quality of scrap steel; and
(h) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(c): The Steel Scrap Recycling Policy was notified in the Gazette of India on 7th November, 2019. The Policy provides a framework to facilitate and promote establishment of metal scrapping centers in India for scientific processing & recycling of ferrous scrap generated from various sources. The policy framework provides standard guidelines for collection, dismantling and shredding activities in an organized, safe and environmentally sound manner in order to curb pollution and prevent health hazards.

Under the Steel Scrap Recycling Policy, the role of Government is that of a facilitator to create conducive eco-system for the entrepreneurs and investors to establish scrapping centres in the country.

(d) Details of the number of registered and unregistered set ups working in the field of steel recycling and scrapping, state-wise and year-wise is not available with the Government. The scrapping centres are approved by the State Governments/Union Territories.

(e)&(f): Government of India has notified the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) [HOWM] Rules, 2016 to ensure safe storage, treatment and disposal of hazardous and other wastes in an environmentally sound manner without causing adverse effect to environment and human health.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has formulated the Vehicle Scrapping Policy that includes a system of incentives/dis-incentives for creation of an eco-system to phase out older, unfit polluting vehicles.

(g)&(h): Bureau of Indian Standards has formulated IS 2549:1994–Code of Classification of Processed Ferrous Scrap-for classification of scrap.


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