Question : Fast Track Courts

(a) whether the Government has any proposal to set up fast track courts for speedy trial of Civil and Criminal cases separately;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) if not, the reasons therefor; and
(d) the time by which it is likely to be functional?

Answer given by the minister


Minister of State for Law & Justice and Corporate Affairs

(a) & (b): Fast Track Courts (FTCs) for speedy trial of Civil and Criminal cases have been set up by the State Governments. The Government of India has also supported the setting up of Special Courts to try criminal cases against MPs/MLAs in fast track mode. 12 Special Courts to try cases in fast track mode have been set up in 11 States (One each in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh and two in NCT of Delhi) for expeditious trial of criminal cases involving elected MPs/MLAs. In the remaining states, where the number of such cases is not very large, High Courts have been requested to give directions for trial of such cases in the Courts where they are pending, in fast track mode.

(c) & (d): Setting up of Fast Track Courts and their functioning comes within the domain of the State Governments who set up such courts as per their need and resources, in consultation with the concerned High Courts.

The 14th Finance Commission endorsed the proposal of the Union Government to strengthen the judicial system in States which included, inter-alia, establishing FTCs for cases of heinous crimes; cases involving senior citizens, women, children, disabled and litigants affected with HIV AIDS and other terminal ailments; and civil disputes involving land acquisition and property/rent disputes pending for more than five years. The State Governments were urged to use the additional fiscal space provided by the Commission in the form of enhanced tax devolution (from 32% to 42%) to meet such requirements. As per available information, 727 Fast Track Courts are functioning in various states.

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