(a) Steel is a deregulated sector of the economy and the prices of various steel products are decided by
producers, sellers and other market operators, depending upon various complex but inter-related factors
such as the costs of production and transportation, demand-supply scenario and international price of
similar products. These prices fluctuate randomly and may very widely between producers and distributors.
Quarter-wise indicative prices of some of the important steel products in Delhi
Market during the last three years and the current year are given below:-
Retail Price at Delhi on Quarterly Basis
Month TMT HR Coils CR Coils GP Sheets
April 2007 31200 37450 39525 41000
July 2007 32000 35000 38500 40000
October 2007 30250 33750 36750 39000
January 2008 35000 35000 38000 42500
April 2008 47700 48450 52000 55000
July 2008 44263 44442 49345 56334
October 2008 40253 43204 47119 50673
January 2009 36448 34663 38004 38786
April 2009 34122 33608 35828 39328
July 2009 33939 34459 36848 40588
October 2009 32328 35503 39614 41888
January 2010 34570 35690 40250 43270
April 2010 40890 45550 47580 52580
July 2010 36260 43410 45780 46350
October 2010 37240 45090 47260 48750
(Source: Economic Research Unit/Joint Plant Committee)
Note: (i) Prices are inclusive of Excise Duty and Sales Tax. (ii) All prices are indicative.
(b)to(d): The price of steel is not decided by the Government, as the sector is deregulated.
However, in order to maintain a steady balance between the demand and availability of steel
in the market, Government initiates fiscal measures from time to time. The current fiscal
measures are as under:-
(i) Import duty on all steel products is 5%.
(ii) There is no export duty on export of steel products.
(iii) Duty Entitlement Pass Book (DEPB) is applicable on steel sector.
(iv) Central Excise Duty on steel items is 10%.
(v) There is an export duty of 15% on export of iron ore lumps and 5% on export of iron ore fines.