Question : Encouraging Youths Participation in Sports

(a) the steps currently taken/being taken by the Government to increase international participation of India in the field of sports;

(b) whether the Government is of the view that India can perform better in sports competitions at the international level including Olympic Games with
increased participation;

(c) if so, the efforts being made by the Government in this regard;

(d) whether the Government is considering the need to build new sports stadia or sports complexes to increase participation of youth in sports and to encourage them in this field and if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise including the States of Odisha and Madhya Pradesh;

(e) the schemes being implemented by the Government to increase participation of youth in sports and provide benefits/facilities to the players along with the details thereof; and

(f) the role of the States in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Preparation of Indian sportspersons and teams for participation in international sports events is an ongoing process, which is supported through various schemes of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports and the Sports Authority of India (SAI). The Central Government is supporting sportspersons through the National Sports Federations (NSFs) for their training, foreign exposures and competitions to enable them to participate in international sports events and enhance their chances of winning medals. Further, customised training of elite athletes is supported under Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS). Further, the Khelo India Programme has been launched with the twin objectives of mass participation and promotion of excellence in sports. Talent identification and grooming of the identified talent is being supported though the SAI sports promotional schemes, viz. 23 National Centres of Excellence (NCOE), 67 SAI Training Centre (STC), 29 Extension Centre of STC and 69 Schools, Indigenous Games & Martial Arts Centres and Akharas adopted under the National Sports Talent Contest (NSTC).

(b) and (c) Yes, Sir. As stated in the reply to part (a) above, the Government has been implementing various schemes such as the Scheme of Assistance to NSFs, TOPS, Khelo India Scheme and Schemes of SAI so as to prepare Indian sportspersons and teams to perform better in sports competitions at the international level, including Olympic Games, with increased participation.

(d) Augmentation of sports infrastructure is an ongoing exercise. Under Khelo India Scheme, projects for creation, development and upgradation of sports infrastructure in the States and Union Territories are being supported. So far, 267 projects have been sanctioned under the Khelo India Scheme in different States / UTs of the country, including four in Odisha and ten in Madhya Pradesh.

(e) and (f) Sports being a State subject, the responsibility for promotion and development of sports, including increased participation of youth in sports and provide requisite sports facilities rests primarily with the State/UT Governments. However, the Central Government supplements their efforts. To support the efforts of the State/UT Governments, this Ministry is implementing various Sports Promotion Schemes through SAI across the country to identify talented sportspersons in various age groups and nurture them to excel at national and international levels. The selected trainees are provided support in the form of expert coaches, sports equipment, boarding and lodging, sports kit, competition exposure, educational expenses, medical/insurance and stipend as per the approved norms of the schemes.


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