Question : Development of North-Eastern Region

(a) the aims and objectives of North Eastern Council (NEC);

(b) whether NEC projects are implemented by the Ministry for development of North Eastern Region and if so, the details thereof;

(c) the number of projects currently under implementation/completed and funds having been released so far for the current financial year, project wise; and

(d) the details of unspent funds after completing the projects since last three years, project-wise?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region
[Dr. Jitendra Singh]

(a) to (d): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (d) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. *216 for answer on 30/11/2016.

(a) The North Eastern Council (Amendment Act) 2002, mandates North Eastern Council (NEC) to function as a Regional Planning Body for the North Eastern area. While formulating the regional plans for the North Eastern area, the Council shall give priority to schemes and projects, which will benefit two or more states provided that in case of Sikkim, the Council shall formulate specific projects and schemes for that State including the review of implementation of such projects and schemes.
(b) No Madam. NEC projects are implemented by State Governments of NER; and central agencies of repute in the region.
(c) There are 761 NEC funded projects with an approved cost of Rs. 7484.71 crore currently under implementation under various sectors of NEC implemented through State Governments and other Implementing Agencies/ Institutes. Thirty five (35) numbers of projects costing Rs. 554.40 crores, sanctioned during different period of time, have been completed during the current financial year 2016-17. The Details of completed projects are at Annexure–I. Out of the total budgeted amount of Rs. 950 crore, NEC has released Rs. 693.60 crore (73.01%) as on 31st October, 2016. Details of funds released sector-wise during the current financial year (upto 31st October, 2016) are at Annexure-II.
(d) There is no unspent fund after completing the NEC projects.

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