(a) the details of the follow up action taken for installation of Radiation Detection System, in the wake of the Delhi University`s Radiation Fiasco;

(b) whether the Government has put in place any mechanism to ensure that such incidents do not recur in future and if so, the details thereof;

(c) the names of the Regulatory Body in the country which monitor the disposal of scrap or medical waste containing radiation; and

(d) the number of cases reported during the last three years and the current year regarding violation of the rules and guidelines relating to disposal of scrap or medical waste containing radiation and the actions taken so far against the violators?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Government of India had initiated actions for installation of Radiation Detection System at some major Indian ports before the incident at Mayapuri happened. The Committee of Secretaries in its meeting held on October 9, 2009, decided that Ministry of Home Affairs in consultation with various other Ministries/Departments concerned will monitor the installation of Radiation Detection System at the ports in a time bound manner. Ministry of Shipping had been assigned the responsibility of executing the project of installation of monitors in the major ports.

(b) Yes Sir, several actions have been initiated by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) to prevent recurrence of such incidents in future which include the following :

for strengthening the inventory of the sources including the legacy sources, suppliers of gamma cells and other radiation sources world-wide were contacted various ministries/governmental departments were contacted Users of the sources were informed with the help of print media to furnish information on sources in their possession initiated the process of developing a computerized web-based system for managing the regulation of radiation sources

Awareness / Training programs on handling of radioactive material for research and training activities were conducted

In order to detect sources at the shops/ facilities/ dealing with metallic scrap, efforts are on to persuade the scrap associations and dealers to install the radiation monitoring instruments to check the presence of radiation in the scrap.

AERB has established Regional Regulatory Centers (RRCs) at Southern and Eastern Region to make the regulatory process more effective.

As a part of its compliance assurance program, AERB has significantly increased the number of inspections for radiation facilities.

As recommended by AERB, action has been initiated by relevant authorities to install high sensitivity radiation monitoring systems at all major sea ports and air ports.

A committee has been constituted to streamline arrangements for disposal of used sources; the committee has representation from all concerned agencies.

(c) Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) is the only Regulatory Body in the country regulating the safe disposal of radioactive wastes.

(d) Except Mayapuri (Delhi) incident, no case of violation of the Atomic Energy (Safe Disposal of Radioactive Waste) Rules, 1987, has been reported to AERB during the last three as well as the current year.