Question : Coal Fired Power Plants

(a) whether the Government has pushed back deadlines for coal-fired power plants to adopt new emission norms and allowed utilities that missed the new targets and imposed penalties so far; and
(b) if so, the details thereof and the present status thereof, State/UT-wise ?

Answer given by the minister



(a) & (b) : Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) had revised the Environmental standards for Thermal Power Plants (TPP) vide Notification dated 07.12.2015, which mandatorily required all TPPs to comply with New Emission Norms (“Revised Norms”) within a period of 2 Years (i.e. on or before 06.12.2017).
As informed by MoEF&CC, the emission norms could not be met due to various reasons such as availability of technology, delay in contract finalization, etc. Considering these reasons, timeline for compliance for non-captive thermal power plants was extended till 2022, in consultation with Ministry of Power and Central Pollution Control Board.
Further, MoEF&CC has informed that a large number of representations were received in the Ministry to extend the timelines for compliance of norms due to COVID-19 pandemic and on account of other issues like import restrictions, minimum local component condition under Atma Nirbhar Bharat, liquidity crunch in power sector, credit refusals due to high stress in power sector, regulatory delays, etc. Accordingly, after detailed deliberations and stakeholder consultations, MoEF&CC has notified an amendment to the notification vide GSR 243 dated 31.03.2021. The salient points of the amendments are as below:
o Categorizing the TPPs based on location (A) NCR and Million plus cities, (B) Critically Polluted areas and Non-attainment cities (C) other areas
o Timeline extension up till 31.12.2022 for category (A) and 31.12.2023 for category (B) and 31.12.2024 for category (C) on account of COVID-19 and other factors.
o The Environmental Compensation (EC) is based on KWH energy generated linked with unit generated after expiry of prescribed timeline for compliance.
o Old plants under category B and C may be allowed to operate till December 2025. Operation beyond this timeline will be subject to EC of Rs. 0.20/unit for period operated without compliance.

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