Question : New Health Policy 2017

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has recently announced New Health Policy (NHP), if so, the details thereof along with the changes/modifications made in the previous health policy and new initiatives taken up in the new policy announced;

(b) whether the Government plans for resource allocation to States on the basis of the development indicators of the respective States and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether under the new policy there would be a bigger focus on upgrading of districts hospitals and if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the NHP provides for distribution of family health cards that can be connected to the public health care facility so that a patient’s medical history can be digitally accessed and if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether the NHP provides for raising public health expenditure to 2.5 per cent of the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) from 1.2 per cent at present, if so, the details thereof; and

(f) whether the Government has proposed to make health a fundamental right under the NHP, if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a): The Government has formulated National Health Policy, 2017 in the light of the changes that have taken place in the country’s health sector scenario since the formulation of National Health Policy, 2002. A statement showing the major changes in the National Health Policy, 2017 which was not specifically indicated/addressed in the previous National Health Policy2002, is Annexed.

(b): The National Health Policy, 2017 states that the resource allocation to States will be linked with State development indicators, absorptive capacity and financial indicators.

(c): The National Health Policy, 2017 aspires to provide at the district level most of the secondary care which currently provided at a medical college hospital. The policy also aims that ten categories of what are currently specialist skills be available within the district. The policy also recommends making available atleast five specialist skills at sub-district levels.

(d): The Policy recommends to have a health card to every family that links them to primary care facility and be eligible for a defined package of services anywhere in the country.

(e): Yes. The National Health Policy, 2017 provides for increasing public expenditure on health to 2.5% of GDP in a time bound manner by 2025.

(f): At present, there is no proposal under consideration of the Government to make health as a fundamental right.

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