Question : Sports Authority of India

(a) whether it is a fact that the allocation of funds for the Sports Authority of India (SAI) has been reduced by Rs. 66.17 crores in the current Budget;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the reasons therefor; and

(c) whether such curtailment is likely to affect the functioning of the SAI and if so, the activities of the SAI that are likely to suffer as a consequence?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Sports Authority of India (SAI), which is an autonomous
body under the aegis of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, has been
entrusted to implement a number of the twelve verticals of the Khelo
India Scheme being implemented by this Ministry. The verticals
entrusted to SAI are such for which requisite expertise is available
with them and in most of cases supplement/complement the activities
already being undertaken therin. Accordingly, funds earmarked for
such for verticals will be placed at the disposal of SAI for
implementing them. Thus, effectively there has not been any
curtailment of funds for SAI, though there has been rearrangement of
resources between the Ministry and the SAI. In addition, SAI is also
being provided financial assistance under other Scheme of the
Ministry like the Scheme for Assistance to National Sports Federations
(NSFs), the National Sports Development Fund (NSDF), etc., to
undertake their activities.

(c) Since the activities being undertaken by the SAI are being
supplemented/complemented with financial support from other
Schemes of the Ministry, question does not arise.

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