Question : Strengthening Teaching- Learning and Results for States (STARS) Programme

(a) the details of the final national framework document for the STARS Scheme;
(b) the status, timeline and framework for partnership with ADB for roll out of STARS like project in new States;
(c) the details of actions being undertaken for development of the National PPP framework, as part of the first year deliverable under the STARS project?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The STARS project is being implemented on the basis of Project Appraisal Document (PAD) which is available at
(b) Accelerating State Education Program to Improve Results (ASPIRE) program supported by ADB has got In-Principle approval by DEA. It focuses on the following areas: (i) improving the basics for learning environments; (ii) enhancing the quality of learning and assessments; (iii) reinforcing development of teachers and other professional cadres; and (iv) strengthening management and accountability for school education.
(c) Development of the National PPP framework is not in the purview of STARS project. STARS project encourage states to explore different models of partnerships based on state specific priorities with non-state actors in project states.

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