(a) As per latest information available, number of educated and uneducated job seekers
combined together residing in rural areas, all of whom may not necessarily be unemployed,
registered with employment exchanges of the country including the North-Eastern States as
on 31-12-2011 was 228.56 lakh. It was 9.65 lakh in Assam.
(b) State-wise details of educated and uneducated job seekers combined together residing
in rural areas in North-Eastern States as on 31-12-2011 are given below:
State Live Register (in thousands)
Arunachal Pradesh 3.2
Assam 965.5
Manipur 480.6
Meghalaya 14.8
Mizoram 6.2
Nagaland 37.2
Sikkim -
Tripura 288.7
Total 1796.2
(c) Government has been making continuous efforts by focusing on creation of productive
employment at a faster pace in order to raise incomes of masses to bring about a general
improvement in their living conditions. The job opportunities are created on account of
growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), investment in infrastructure development, growth
in exports, etc. Government of India has also been implementing various employment generation
programmes, such as, Prime Minister`s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP); Swarnajayanti
Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
(MGNREGA) besides entrepreneurial development programmes run by the Ministry of Micro,
Small & Medium Enterprises.