(a) : 185 Centrally Sponsored Schemes in operation in Maharashtra
(b) : A list of implementing government agencies is enclosed.
(c) :There is no lack of coordination between the various government agencies
(d) : Does not arise
Sr. Sr. Scheme
No. No.
1 2 3
Department- ADF
1 1 Information, Education, Communication campaign and Bird Flu under ASCAD.
2 2 Subsidy for control of foot & mouth disease (ASCAD 25%)
3 3 Distribution of Fodder Seeds (25% State Share)
4 4 Assistant to fodder block making units (75% State)
5 5 Modernasation & Strengthening of regional disease investigation laboratory under ASCAD
6 6 Animal Disease Surveillance Monitoring & Forecasting (ASCAD 25%)
7 7 Strengthening of central Hatcheries & Duck rearing farm.
8 8 National Projectt on Rinderpest Eradication
9 9 Creation of Disease free zones FMD control programme
10 10 Investigation into diseases of livestock
11 11 Organsation of Training Progrramme/ workshop/seminar for field Staff
12 12 Development of of grassland including grass reserves
13 13 Livestock Census
14 14 Share capital contribution to Maharashtra sheep & wool development corporation (Threatened Breeds)
15 15 Expansion and modernisation of Quality Control lab Mumbal Apeda Assistance
16 16 100% Assistance From ICAR to Animal Disease Monitoring adn Survilance
17 17 Strenthening of Integrated sampel survey scheme
18 18 Immunisation Against economically important Disease PPR,HS,RD
19 19 Rehabilitation of Milk Sangh
20 20 Central Assistance to Dairy Co-operatives under Integrated Dairy Development Programme
21 21 Fisheries Extention And Training
22 22 Houses for Fishermen under the National welfare fund Scheme.
23 23 Development of inland fisheries statistics
24 24 Deve. of fishing harbours
25 25 Inlan Fiseries Statistics
26 26 Reimbursement of central Excise duty on high speed diesel oil
27 27 Fish Farmer Develoement Agecy
28 28 Brackish water fish Farmers Developement agency
29 29 Assistance to purchase of OBM/IBM engine for non mechanised boat
Department- Agriculture
30 1 Promotion of Organic Farming
31 2 Effective Participation of Women in Agriculture
32 3 Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms
33 4 Information Support for Agriculture Extention
34 5 Scheme for Production And Use of Vermicompost
35 6 Seed Treatment Campaign
36 7 Seed Production Programme In Selected Villages
37 8 Technology Mission For Cotton Development Programme
38 9 Integrated Oilseed Production Programme (State Dist. / C.S.P.)
39 10 Sugarcane Development Programme (State / C.S.P.)
40 11 Integrated Pulses Production Programme (State : Dist. / C.S.P. )
41 12 Integrated Maize Production Programme (State / C.S.P.)
42 13 Integrated Cereal Development Programme (State / C.S.P.)
43 14 Promotion for Agriculture Machanisation
44 15 Extension Through Agri- Exhibition
45 16 Timely Reporting of Agriculture Intelligence Statistics
46 17 Improvement of Crop statistics
47 18 Crop Estimation Survey on Fruites, Vegetables,& Commercial Minor Crops
48 19 World Agriculture Census
49 20 Strengthening of Fertilizers Testing Laboratories
50 21 Strengthening of Insecticide Testing Laboratories
51 22 Strengthening of Seed testing Laboratories.
52 23 Strenghening of Training Institutes
53 24 Study Tours/Farmer Exchange Programme
54 25 Strengthening of Agri-Polyclinics
55 26 Use of IT in Agriculture
56 27 Subsidy on Seed Production, Distribution & Storage
57 28 Participation of Privet Sector In Agriculture Extention/Information & soil/Micro Nutrient Testing
58 29 Bio-Fertilizer Production And Marketing Assistance
59 30 Mobility of Extention Machinery
60 31 Srengthening of Soil Survey And Soil Testing And Bio- control/IPM Laboratories
61 32 Stengthening of Taluka Seed Farms
62 33 National Oilseed & Vegetable Oil Development Board Sponsored Programme
63 34 Demonstration of Newly Developed Agriculture & Horticulture Equipment on Farmers Fields
64 36 National Horticulture Mission
65 37 Establishment /Strenthening of Residue Testing Laboratory
66 38 Coconut Development Board (CDB) Sponserd programme
67 39 Scheme for Micro Irrigation
Department- Textile
68 1 Integrated Handloom Development Scheme ( I.H. D.S.)
69 2 Sericulture Development (Central sponserd)
Department- Environment
70 1 Environmental Information System Node
Department- Higher Education
71 1 National service Scheme
72 2 Matching grants for U.G.C. scheme in Govt. Colleges
73 3 Grants to Research and Cultural Institutions
74 4 Post Matric Scholarhip to the Minority Students
Department- Technical Education
75 1 Strengthing of Vocational Training ,World Bank Project.
76 2 Establishment of Technological University (central sponsered scheme)
77 3 Establishment of R & D Centers in the Emerging Areas (CSS)
78 4 Establishment of Aviation Technology and Aeronautical Engineering Institute
79 5 Establishment of Indian Institute of Information echnology
80 6 Quality Improvement of Existing Polytechnics
81 7 One Time Aid to Engineering & Pharmacy Colleges (CSS)
82 8 Introduction of double shift in polytechnics
83 9 Development of Computerised MIS for Technical Education Institutions
84 10 Incentive to Existing Govt. Engineering Colleges
85 11 Merit-cum-Means based Scholarship
Department- Home - Transport
86 1 Inland Transport Grant in Aid to Maharashtra Maritime Board
Department- Energy
87 1 Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana
Department- Industry
88 1 Census-cum-Sample Survey of Small Scale Industries
89 2 Micro and Small Interprises Cluster Development Programme
90 3 Prime Ministers Rojgar Yojana
Department- Law & Judiciary
91 1 Construction of court buldings
92 2 Construction of Residential Quartrs for Judical Officers and Staff
Department- Women & Child Deve.
93 1 Integrated Child Developement Services Scheme (Urban) Diet Distribution
94 2 Integrated Child Development Scheme (Rural) (Diet Distribution)
95 3 Juvenile Justice Programme
96 4 Strengthning and Establishment of ICDS - ( Rural) (GIA to ZPs)
97 5 Strengthening and Establishment of ICDS Urban
98 6 Strengthening and Establishment of ICDS Commissionerate
Department- Medical Education
99 1 Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana
Department- Planning
100 1 Implementation of State Strategic Statistical Plan (CSS)
101 2 Development of Western Ghats
Department- EGS
102 1 National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
Department- Public Health
103 1 National Filaria Control Programme
104 2 T.B. & B.C.G. Vaccination Prog.
105 4 National Malaria Eradication Programme
107 5 National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Programme
108 6 Training of Medical and Paramedical personnel
109 7 Family Welfare Cell in Secretariat
110 8 Non Teaching Government Hospitals and Dispensaries in Mofussil Areas (Blindness Control)
111 9 State Family Welfare Bureau
112 10 National Leprosy Control Programme
113 11 Establishment of Central Public Health Laborotories.
114 12 City Family Welfare Bureau
115 13 Reproductive & Child Health programme.
116 14 Regional Family Welfare Trainning Centre.
117 15 District Family Welfare Bureau.
118 16 Teaching of Family Welfare in Medical Colleges.
119 17 Experimental Projects- Multi Purpose Workers Scheme
120 18 Rural Family Welfare Centres & Health Sub-Centers.
121 19 Urban Family Welfare Centre.
122 20 Grant for Urban Family Welfare Centres run by Local Bodies & Other Agencies.
123 21 Immunisation of Infant & Pre-School Children against Diphtheria & Titanus and Expectant Mothers against Titanus.
124 22 Expansion of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Services.
125 23 Grant in-aid to Local Bodies & Voluntary Organisations.
126 24 Conventional Contraceptives
127 25 Post-Partum Centre.
128 26 Loans to ANM/Health Workers for purchase of Two Wheeler Automobile Vehicles.
Department- Forest
129 1 Integrated forest protection scheme
130 2 Eco development in Tiger project
131 3 Project elephant
132 4 conservation and management of Wild life
133 5 conservation and mangement of wild life sancturies
Department- Relief & Rehabilitation
134 1 National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project
135 2 Rehabilitation of Bonded Labourers
Department- Revenue
136 1 Computarisation of Land Records
137 2 Strengthening of Revenue Administration- Updating of Land Records
138 3 National Land Records Modernization Programme ( 100 % Centrally Sponsered)
139 4 National Land Records Modernization Programme ( 50% Centrally Sponsered)
140 5 National Land Records Modernization Programme ( 25% Centrally Sponsered)
Department- Rural Development
141 1 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
142 2 National Biogas and Manure Management Programme
143 3 Backward Region Grant Fund Training
144 4 Backward Regions Grant Fund (BRGF)
145 5 Stregthening of Rural Training Centres
146 6 Swarna jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
147 7 Indira Awas Yojana
Department- Water Conservation
149 1 Inter State River Valley Project
150 2 National Watershed developement for ainfed area
151 3 State land use board programme
151 4 Integrated Wasteland Development program
152 5 Drought prone Area Development Program
153 6 Hariyali
Department- School Education
154 1 Prematric Scholarship for the Children of Minority Community
155 2 Sarva Shikshan Mohim
156 3 Modernisation of Madarasa
157 4 Integrated Education for Physically Handicapped Children
158 5 Computer Education Programme (State Share 25%)
159 6 Grant in aid to Z.S.S. for Implementation of P.L.C.
160 7 Establishment of DIET
Department- Sports
161 1 Purchase of Artificial Surface
162 2 F.A. to other sports bodies
163 3 Estt. of Youth Hostel.
Department- Social Justice
164 1 Scheme for monetary relief to the members of families scheduled casts and schduled tribes becoming vicitims of atrocities
165 2 Machinery for implementation of Civil Right Act
166 3 Administration Expenditure for Old Age Pension Scheme
167 4 National Family Benefit Scheme for Assistance to BPL Families
168 5 Government Of India Post Matric Scholarship/Stipends
169 6 Construction and repairs for BC Govt Hosteles
Department- Tribal Development
170 1 Central Assistance Scheme For Purchase /Sale of Minor Forest Produce
171 2 Tribal Research and Training Institue.
172 3 Construction of Model School Buildings
173 4 Eklavya Residential School.
174 5 Construction of Hostels for tribal boys and Girls
175 6 Construction of Model School Buildings.
176 7 Eklavya Rsidential School
177 8 Bharat Sarkar Scholarship.
178 9 Construction of Ashram School Complex
Department- VJNT, OBC & WD.
179 1 Postmatric Scholarship to OBC students
180 2 Opening of Hostels for VJNT, SBC and OBC Boys and Girls
Department- Water Supply & Sani.
181 1 Low cost Sanitation Program
182 2 Total Sanitation Programme
Department- Minorities Development
183 1 Grant -in-aid to Maulana Azad Alpasankhyank Arthik Vikas Mahamandal.
Department- Food & Civil Supply
184 1 Village Grain Bank
185 2 Annapurna Yojana