(a) to (d): Distance Education Council (DEC), Indira Gandhi National
Open University (IGNOU) and National Mission on Education through
Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) are undertaking
technological measures to increase penetration of distance learning
in the country.
Government of India through DEC provides academic and financial support
to Open & Distance Learning (ODL) institutions (except IGNOU) for
developing infrastructure, Self-Learning Material (SLM) in print,
audio, video, CD and multimedia materials, student support services,
networking, online resources, technology-enabled learning, etc. It also
provides financial support to IGNOU directly for the growth of Distance
IGNOU provides multi-channel, multiple-media teaching-learning packages
in the form of self instructional print and audio/video materials, radio
and television broadcast, video conferencing, interactive video counselling,
interactive multi-media CD-ROM and internet based learning. It has embarked
on developing on-line learning environment for distance learners viz.,
e-GyanKosh - a national digital repository of learning resources
( wherein courses and video lectures are available
online, e-learning platform for online programmes (,
Flexi-Learn - an open-course portal ( and
web-casting of educational channels - Gyandarshan-1, Gyandarshan-2
and Gyanvani (Delhi) ( etc.
National Project on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), a joint initiative
of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of
Science (IISc) and funded by NMEICT aims to enhance the quality of
engineering education in the country by providing free on-line courseware
as well as e-learning through Online Web and Video Courses in engineering,
science and humanitiesâ streams. NMEICT is also engaged in providing
connectivity to educational institutions, e-content generation for UG
and PG Courses through Consortium of Educational Communication (CEC)
and University Grants Commission (UGC), respectively and in development
of low-cost access device.