Question : M. Phil degrees in the National Education Policy 2020

(a) the rationale behind ending the M. Phil degrees in the National Education Policy 2020;
(b) whether this cessation will apply for M. Phil, in all courses and subjects;
(c) if not, the reasons therefor;
(d) whether some other course structure is to be instituted as a bridge course between post graduate and PhD courses; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (e): The Ministry of Education has announced the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) on 29.07.2020 after obtaining approval of Cabinet. In the NEP, it has been specified that the HEIs will have the flexibility to offer different designs of Master’s programmes: (a) there may be a 2-year programme with the second year devoted entirely to research for those who have completed the 3-year Bachelor’s programme; (b) for students completing a 4-year Bachelor’s programme with Research, there could be a 1-year Master’s programme; and (c) there may be an integrated 5-year Bachelor’s/Master’s programme. Undertaking a Ph.D. shall require either a Master’s degree or a 4-year Bachelor’s degree with Research. The M.Phil. programme shall be discontinued.

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