(a) whether Government have been implementing various schemes and programmes under Special component Plan (SCP) and TSP since 1978 for achieving overall development of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes majority of whom live below poverty line;

(b) if so, the details of schemes/programmes formulated/being implemented by his Ministry under SCP and TSP since their commencement specifying nature, scope and target groups thereof;

(c) the amount of funds requisitioned and procured for such planes during VIth, VIIth, VIIIth and Ninth Five Year Plans for such schemes/programmes;

(d) the quantified benefits and targets achieved so far in this regard; and

(e) the other Scheme/Programme being implemented by his Ministry for economic empowerment of SCs and STs?

Answer given by the minister



The various schemes and programmes of the Department of Telecom (DOT) relate to the telecom development including modernization of the services and expansion of the existing services for the entire country. The telecom services are important infrastructural requirements for socio-economic development and provide essential connectivity among the people across the country as well as between the countries. In this respect, therefore, there is little room for developing telecom services with reference to any particular segment of our population. In view of this, there is no scope for identifying any specific development programme for SCs in the Plan schemes of the DOT. The organisation as a whole is committed to providing connectivity to all sections of population and among different areas through a policy which provides for preferential treatment for the rural areas where majority of SCs and other poor population reside. However, DOT has adopted Tribal Sub Plan to take care of special requirement of tribal areas. The Tribal Sub Plan has been in operation since 5th Five Year Plan benefiting the tribals and bringing about a major of qualtitative change in the socio economic pattern of their lives.


The plan programmes of the Department of Post are related to operational areas of the postal services including expansion of Postal Network, modernisation of services, provision of building for operational needs as also development of new products/services. In fact, the postal services has an important infrastructural element for socio-economic development, provides essential connectivity among the people and areas in the country. In this respect there is little room for developing postal services with reference to any particular segment of our population. In light of this, there is no scope for identify in any specific development programme either in terms of physical or financial targets for SCs in the plan schemes for the Department of Post. Moreover, special quantification or identification of the programmes does not seem to be necessary in the case of postal services where the organisation as a whole is committed to providing connectivity for all sections of population and among different areas through a policy which provides for preferential treatment for the rural areas.

The Department has, however adopted tribal sub plan approach to take care of special requirements of tribal areas. The tribal sub plan has been in operation since the fifth five year plan, benefiting the tribals and bringing about a major of qualitative change in the socio economic pattern of their lives.


Under the Tribal Sub Plan DOT has given focussed attention for providing the telehpone exchanges, addition of switching capacity, provision of direct excahnge lines and villge public telehones and the transmission media for providing the connectivity as per the requirement of these areas on yearly basis benefitng the tribal population living in these areas.


The schemes which are being carried out in the tribal areas are as follows:

i)	Opening of Post offices with relax norms vis-à-vis normal areas.	ii)	Installation of Multipurpose Counter Machines	iii)	Installation of Extended Satellite Money Order stations	iv)	Construction of buildings	v)	Purchase of Mail Motor Vehicles


The amount of funds requisitioned and procured under TSP are given below:

Plan	Total outlay in crores	TSP component in crores.
VIth 2950 186.50 VIIth 6000 305 VIIIth 34052.48 1249.26 IXth 83250 (Proposed) 3361

(d) The quantified benefits & targets achieved so far are given below:


Sl. No.	Item	Achievement till 31.3.2001
1 Telephone Exchanges 3763 2 Switching capacity lines 1264243 3 Direct exchange lines 961047 4 Village Public Telephones 40410 5 Microwave systems (route kms) 13136 6 Satellite Stations 129

(e) The Department has decided to launch special recruitment drive to clear existing vacancies reserved for SCs/STs in the Department. Further incentives are being provided to accelerate the growth of telecom services in rural areas where majority of the SC/ST and other poor population is living such as reduction in the registration fee for telephones, more number of free calls and lower rental charges.


Tribal Sub Plan is part and parcel of the respective Annual Plans. Under Eighth Five Year Plan, an amount of Rs. 8.69 crores was earmarked for Tribal Sub Plan, while under Ninth Five Year Plan an amount of Rs. 15.53 crores was earmarked towards the Tribal Sub Plan. The targets achieved during the Eighty and Ninth Five Year Plan under various schemes is as follows:

Sl. No.	Scheme/Plan Activity	Target achieved (Anticipated)
8th Five Year Plan 9th Five Year Plan
1 Opening of Extra Departmental Branch Offices 514 554 2 Opening of Departmental Sub Offices 54 54 3 Installations of Multi Purpose Counter Machines 90 134 4 Installation of Extended Satellite Money order stations - 44 5 Supply of hand stamp cancellors 678 - 6 Modernisation of Post Offices 17 4 7 Construction of Post Offices 36 32 8 Construction of Staff quarters 248 104 9 Supply of Mail Motor Vehicles - 11