Question : Eco-tourism Projects in Maharashtra

(a) whether the Government has introduced any measures to promote sustainable and environment friendly eco-tourism projects in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Odisha;
(b) if so, the details thereof including any projects specific to Pali and Bhubaneswar; and
(c) the activities covered by the said policy and the expected environmental benefits of the same?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Development and Promotion of Tourism, including sustainable and environment friendly eco-tourism, is primarily the responsibility of the State Government/ Union Territory Administration. The Ministry of Tourism has identified Eco Tourism as one of the Niche Tourism Products for promotion and development in the country, including Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Odisha, with an objective to promote India as a year round destination for ensuring repeat visit for the unique products in which India has a comparative advantage vis-à-vis competing destinations. Considering the importance of developing tourism in an ecologically sustainable manner, Ministry of Tourism has evolved Sustainable Tourism Criteria for India (STCI) for major segments of the tourism industry, which is applicable for the entire country. The Criteria has been evolved after consultations with the various stakeholders.

In addition, the Ministry of Tourism, under its Swadesh Darshan scheme is developing thematic circuits in the country in planned and prioritized manner in order to develop tourism infrastructure at multiple destinations. Eco-tourism is one of the identified theme under Swadesh Darshan scheme.

No project under Eco theme has been sanctioned in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Odisha including Pali and Bhubaneswar. However, the Ministry of Tourism has sanctioned a project “Development of Gopalpur, Barkul, Satapada and Tampara” for a total amount of Rs.70.82 crore under Coastal theme of Swadesh Darshan scheme in the State of Odisha.

The Ministry of Tourism has sanctioned 6 projects under Eco-Theme of Swadesh Darshan scheme as per the annexed details.


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