(a) and (b) : The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare is not directly importing any seeds from any country. However,the New Policy on Seed Development, 1988 allows import of seeds and planting materials of cereals, coarse cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fodders, fruits and vegetables to any individual or any firm on fulfilment of certain conditions and also on the fulfilment of conditions laid down in the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of import into India) Order, 2003.
Information related to country wise import of seeds into India during the last three years and the current year (April to December, 2015) is annexed.
(c): Revenue generated through customs duty on seed imports during the last three years and the current year (April to December, 2015) is given as under:
Customs Duty Collected on ImportedSeeds
Financial Year Duty (in Rs. Crore)
2012-13 120.88
2013-14 115.29
2014-15 136.88
2015-16(Apr to Dec 2015) 94.01
Country 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16(apr to dec)
qty(kg) val qty(kg) val qty(kg) val qty(kg) val
SOMALIA 7983060 9948955 25745530 43859876 20146425 35846494 10970779 13202190
TURKEY 12569601 26914141 14411217 49271416 10930570 33114014 7627179 23017643
SUDAN 23316974 22880699 19781180 30390181 30970792 27606069 35152068 39426983
CHILE 112914 14224690 97914 12529590 141308 17262539 119331 15336398
EGYPT A RP 13833170 21193838 5354600 7968321 11159000 17123626 9015000 12477450
ITALY 4395424 9308260 4014391 10926864 7065879 16960820 7181722 13563121
THAILAND 927939 13998297 1282884 16045413 219413 16686391 135933 15589544
GHANA 20987253 10181540 37853579 19957004 28350102 16161083 13568480 7108404
U S A 614747 6921825 858948 8096558 1412560 13742171 917790 8975993
VIETNAM SOC REP 4715627 13698113 2923109 8349592 4385495 13007094 3058350 8737295
CHINA P RP 1439638 9794487 730388 7201890 2015990 10836579 2515410 11627947
AFGHANISTAN 1910223 7090699 2190714 7232758 2498403 9584965 1989690 7535467
TAIWAN 6654 3184591 9166 4884075 24421 6226856 11545 4988969
PAKISTAN IR 10141442 7068882 17067617 32159157 6096573 4879860 3670514 2810745
NIGERIA 7486049 10881064 12698720 22877659 3459310 4470003 4618973 3686414
KOREA RP 73703 2763840 84182 2198310 695474 4300120 92532 3028542
TANZANIA REP 1399382 2059466 996280 1543787 837873 3103181 253044 946711
NEW ZEALAND 623625 1441205 897651 2664645 1095863 3042823 1366780 3997095
PHILIPPINES 49864 2672664 36778 1551155 52327 2537459 47223 2228245
FRANCE 54383 1777427 168812 2265936 295727 2455152 348836 2178957
AUSTRALIA 1236705 1751279 127934 1183842 307599 1586332 50095 1150584
GUATEMALA 131 337817 100101 1197584 69173 1537153 76205 1367160
ETHIOPIA 2453000 3866525 1261700 2670603 673000 1441656 1158600 1430282
UKRAINE 182000 129993 155727 198010 1272000 1302779 1109550 944211
BULGARIA 100000 49345 22500 39493 876500 1233104 516999 613712
BENIN 6532696 3436061 7743990 3580932 2133000 1170245 4211000 2062388
NETHERLAND 60449 907731 25207 1350339 36771 1038125 48134 1602494
INDONESIA 80103 1671228 41615 1330509 42749 1031196 71310 1927893
JAPAN 4031 793720 29744 785404 10629 1024181 9167 1153114
RUSSIA 201000 190493 42000 51710 740725 980032 4242982 3419176
MYANMAR 763 115279 477500 108257 706255 897757 4062649 5038716
SOUTH AFRICA 3370 46647 1026 137915 36033 786544 22189 781513
MEXICO 4207 870456 260 72914 5822 695927 412 107152
FINLAND 951200 1166223 414800 557492 384300 664371 203800 399103
SPAIN 1786 305866 3512 243980 2781 596306 1649 361564
CZECH REPUBLIC 65000 178428 205300 738146 179243 565302 222100 551989
GERMANY 27901 356922 85950 384010 18139 520403 99674 374591
MOZAMBIQUE 200000 164156 91000 116370 282000 511625 0 0
NEPAL 385085 96083 242000 149101 696780 425027 136470 83165
MOLDOVA 0 0 0 0 745000 372621 1948000 906108
BURKINA FASO 0 0 54000 97187 639000 366297 380280 486057
CANADA 0 0 173588 144282 301382 365010 75007 190864
TOGO 1684152 2614896 660560 1183789 147000 320248 380300 480516
ISRAEL 723 78923 18913 247003 2992 277432 3022 171985
POLAND 1000 2542 0 0 148638 269185 23 80
CAMEROON 0 0 19724 48526 78890 261797 90021 248210
SYRIA 75000 225896 760047 2059165 111000 258240 1821000 4783359
IRAN 774250 267943 774984 258967 438000 214904 1140400 755185
COTE D'' IVOIRE 1149240 720639 702623 745544 182460 166875 235000 120553
COSTA RICA 958335 1015629 1125962 1021540 100550 157003 0 0
DENMARK 1735 78072 20120 169929 13941 138380 30923 258268
BANGLADESH PR 299000 79286 732410 216542 109900 111163 349000 179968
SINGAPORE 13000 37797 315000 532270 37000 108562 0 0
PERU 0 0 83 48704 1150 95771 345 291436
ARGENTINA 206020 158472 1886 142480 40377 95711 121337 639957
NETHERLANDANTIL 0 0 0 0 373 68782 224 70397
BELGIUM 6179 127779 12744 278774 1481 60528 20006 241828
MALAWI 0 0 155000 83076 104000 60410 0 0
GREECE 48000 92195 0 0 19000 54491 0 0
KENYA 73000 91958 33000 63970 24000 50034 0 0
UNSPECIFIED 41584760 18729713 8 1877 19000 38121 434205 1039441
MAURITIUS 3184 57003 11032 89825 2210 37396 1652 33243
UZBEKISTAN 0 0 0 0 20000 23450 0 0
MOROCCO 0 0 200003 319488 20000 21618 0 0
LATVIA 0 0 44 15706 10 7168 47 39735
U ARAB EMTS 1887745 2464845 817714 1421147 2500 2849 2000 1656
KOREA DP RP 250 31499 0 0 20 2621 250 36399
U K 70 16926 74 12297 2 2046 69 5289
HONDURAS 0 0 0 0 70 2041 0 0
MALAYSIA 0 0 50000 49628 65 101 0 0
BRAZIL 0 0 21597 32114 0 0 0 0
CHAD 0 0 417990 721084 0 0 0 0
DJIBOUTI 608000 963373 57000 109847 0 0 0 0
GEORGIA 0 0 8 65358 0 0 0 0
GUADELOUPE 0 0 2 15070 0 0 0 0
GUINEA BISSAU 0 0 0 0 0 0 129000 155530
HONG KONG 9880 34561 88 21722 0 0 0 0
HUNGARY 0 0 262 2506 0 0 120300 187333
IRELAND 0 0 600 2221 0 0 0 0
MADAGASCAR 0 0 11000 11243 0 0 500 1217
MALI 0 0 0 0 0 0 190000 239989
NICARAGUA 0 0 40 1819 0 0 0 0
REUNION 2558 182433 2522 306825 0 0 0 0
ROMANIA 87000 54959 40000 25044 0 0 22000 20132
SENEGAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 38000 43650
SRI LANKA DSR 0 0 3000 6308 0 0 16 3843
SWAZILAND 438 25440 0 0 0 0 0 0
SWITZERLAND 1 2369 0 0 0 0 0 0
UGANDA 243000 47063 131000 109267 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 174847619 242641146 165600154 317552942 143637015 280966219 126437091 235465148
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