(a) In the Retreat of Vice Chancellors of Central Universities held on 12-13th September, 2014 the Vice Chancellors were requested to encourage the faculty in Central Universities to offer free online courses to citizens under the Digital India of SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) through the Massive Open Online Courses platform.
Campus Connect Programme has been launched to ensure Wi-Fi enabled higher educational institutes. All Central Universities were requested to ensure that their Campuses/Constituent Colleges become fully Wi-Fi enabled as soon as possible.
National E-Library has been envisaged as an Online portal that will democratize access to knowledge by ensuring that quality content are available in a digital format to all citizens. It will be accomplished in phases.
(b) UGC provides the General Development Assistance to all Central Universities. The Central Universities have the freedom to decide their priority to incur the expenditure on development activities including above mentioned activities. During the last 3 years, the funds released by UGC under General Development Assistance is enclosed at Annexure-I.
(c) UGC does not maintain such data centrally.
(d) The UGC has schemes for Career Oriented Courses, community college and B.Voc degree programme which aim to ensure that those who graduate after completing these courses, have knowledge, skills and aptitude for gainful employment.
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