Question : Development Projects near Wildlife Habitats

(a) the number of elephants recorded as per All India Elephant Population Estimation 2017 in various geographical regions of the country, State/UT-wise and region-wise along with its comparison with the last census estimate of 2012;
(b) whether the Government has taken cognizance of the fact that due to shrinkage, fragmentation and deterioration of habitats of wild animals, human-wildlife conflict including man-elephant have increased recently;
(c) if so, the details thereof indicating the number of such conflicts reported and number of persons and animals killed therein, State/UT-wise including Assam;
(d) whether the Government has issued any instruction for the execution of development projects near wildlife habitats to have minimal impact on ecology and wildlife, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(e) whether any proposal has been received from the States to deal with such problems and if so, the details thereof; and
(f) the measures taken or policy of the Government to tackle this growing problem of conflict along with the funds allocated/released to the States/UTs for the persons killed therein during each of the last three years and the current year, State/ UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Census of elephant is undertaken at the national level once in every five years. State-wise/UTs wise and region wise comparative estimated population of elephants of 2012 and 2017 as available in the Ministry are given in Annexure-I

(b& c) Yes, Sir. Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) has been increasing at local and regional scales in the country in recent decades. Such conflicts include loss of crops, livestock depredation, loss to property, transmission of diseases by wildlife to people and livestock; and loss of human lives both indirectly and directly. The primary causes of HWC include the loss, degradation and fragmentation of many wildlife habitats, thereby increasing the chances of including Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and many other wild animals moving out of natural habitat and encountering cultivation and people. The number of conflicts is not collated in the Ministry. However, state wise details of human causality/death during last three year from elephant attacks is given in Annexure II (a) , loss of human lives because of tiger attacks during the last three years and current year, in and around tiger reserves, as reported by state-wise is given in Annexure II (b), the casualties of elephants during 2015-2017 is given in Annexure II (c), the number of tigers which have died due to unnatural causes (including seizures), during last two years and the current year, is given in Annexure II (d) .

(d )&(e) The Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife recommends the development projects with the conditions and mitigation measures imposed by the State Chief Wildlife Warden to minimize the impact on ecology and wildlife.

(f) State Governments provide relief from their own funds as well from the assistance provided by Central Government for ex-gratia relief in respect of damage to crops and loss of human lives suffered by the victims of depredations/attacks by wild animals. The details of amount paid as compensation and details of beneficiaries are not collated in the Ministry. The Central Government provides financial assistance to the States/ Union Territory Governments under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes of ''Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats'', ''Project Tiger'' and ’Project Elephant'', inter alia, to make payment of ex-gratia relief. The amount of ex-gratia relief eligible for assistance under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes for payment to the victims of predation/depredation by wild animals, is as follows:

Sl. No. Nature of damage caused by wild animals Amount of ex-gratia relief
(a) Death or permanent incapacitation Rs. 2,00,000/-
(b) Grievous injury 30% of (a)
(c) Minor injury Cost of treatment
(d) Loss of property Value of loss/damage as assessed by authorized officer

Besides, the Central Government provides financial assistance to State/Union Territory Governments under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes as mentioned at (c) above for management of wildlife and its habitats in the country. The activities supported under the Schemes inter alia include construction /erection of physical barriers, such as barbed wire fence, solar powered electric fence, bio-fencing using cactus, boundary walls etc. to prevent the entry of wild animals into crop fields; improvement of wildlife habitat of wild animals by augmenting the availability of food and water in forest areas to reduce the entry of animals from forests to habitations and setting up of anti-depredation squads to drive away problematic animals.


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